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Connecting Redwall and Tolkien fans around the world
The Redwall Tolkien
The Redwall  
Tolkien WebRing 

This Redwall Tolkien Webring site
is owned by Egbert the Scholar aka Bilbo Baggins.

~Join the Ring~

The The Redwall Tolkien Webring
is owned by Egbert the Scholar aka Bilbo Baggins.

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Main Page

Welcome to the Redwall Tokien Webring homepage! Please join if your page has anything to do with Redwall or any of Tolkiens books! The ring will join your page with others like it.

How to Join
  • First, you must have a page that is Redwall or Tolkien related.
  • Fill out the form to join the ring.
  • Copy the html for the Redwall Tolkien WebRing at the bottom of the page.
  • I will e-mail you the member ID for your Redwall or Tolkien page once your page is submitted to the queue (that's what the form is for).
  • Insert the ID, by replacing the __PUT ID HERE__ with your ID number. Insert your e-mail address by replacing the __PUT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS HERE__ with your e-mail address, and replace the __PUT YOUR NAME HERE__ with your name or e-mail address, and then place the script on your Redwall/Tolkien page!
  • Whatever page you put the webring on, that is where it will be linked (if you put it on your main page, it will link there, if you put it in a list of webrings, it will link to the page where the list of webrings are), unless you can e-mail me and tell me why I should link to your main page.
  • E-mail me once the webring is correctly on your page- include your ID number!
  • I will enter your site into the WebRing, and soon you will be hosting many other Redwall and Tolkien lovers.
  • PS. If you know a lot about HTML you can mess around with the actual size of the webring information, graphic, etc. but please don't change any of the information.

    Submit Your Site to The Redwall Tolkien WebRing   
    Site Title:
    Site URL:
    Password: Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!) 
    Description: Enter a short description of your site. 
    Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.

    Edit Site Information
    Here is the script that you need to add and modify:
    If you need any help feel free to e-mail me

    This is what it will look like if you change NOTHING (but you should change all the stuff mentioned).
    Connecting Redwall and Tolkien fans around the world
    The Redwall Tolkien
    The Redwall  
    Tolkien WebRing 

    This Redwall Tolkien Webring site
    is owned by __PUT YOUR NAME HERE__.

    ~Join the Ring~

    The The Redwall Tolkien Webring
    is owned by Egbert the Scholar aka Bilbo Baggins.

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