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Wiccans celebrate eight Sabbats each year. There are four major and four minor Sabbats. The major Sabbats are: Candlemas,Beltane,Lammas and Samhain. The four minor Sabbats are:Spring Equinox,Summe Solstice,Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice.

Major Sabbats

Candlemas Sabbat(also known as Imbolc,Oimelc and Lady Day) is celebrated annually on February 2. Candlesmas is a Fire Festival which celebrates the coming of Spring. This Sabbat represents new beginnings and spiritual growth, and "the sweeping out of the old" is symbolized by the sweeping of the circle with a besom or Witch's broom.

Beltane Sabbat(also known as May Day,Rood Day,Rudemas and Walpurgisnacht) is celebrated annually on May Eve/May First. Beltane is derived from an ancient Druid Fire Festivel celebrationg the union of the Goddess and the Horned God, and thus is a fertility festival. Beltane also celebrates the returning Sun God(or sun).

Lammas Sabbat(also known as Lughnasadh, August Eve, and the First Festival of Harvest)is celebrated annually on August 1. Lammas is the first Festival of Harvest. On Lammas, Witches give thanks to the gods for the harvest and honor the fertility aspect of the sacred union of the Goddess and God.

Samhain Sabbat(also known as Halloween, Hallowmas, All Hallows' Eve, All Saints' Eve, Festival of the Dead and Third Festival of Harvest) is celebrated annually on October 31. Samhain is the most important of all eight Sabbats. Samhain celebrates the end of the Goddess-ruled Summer and marks the arrival of the God-rule Winter. Smahain is also the Celtic/Druid New Year, the beginning of the cider season and solemn rite and festivel of the dead.

Minor Sabbats

Spring Equinox(also known as Vernal Equinox Sabbath,Festival of the Trees,Ostara and Rite of Eostre)is celebrated annually on the first day of spring. The Spring Equinox Sabbat is a fertility rite and celebrates the birth of Spring and the reawakening of life from the earth.

Summer Solstice(also knowns as Midsummer,Litha and Saint John's Day)is celebrated annually on the first day of summer. Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year when the Sun is at its zenith. This day symbolizes the power of the sun which marks an important turning point on the Great Solar Wheel of the Year.

Autumn Equinox(also known as Fall Sabbat and Second Festival of Harvest) is celebrated annually on the first day of autumn. Autumn Equinox is time to celebrate the completion of the grain harvest which begain at Lammas. It is also time for thanksgiving,meditation and introspection.

Winter Solstice Sabbat(also known as Yule,Winter Rite, and Midwinter) is celebrated annually on the first day of winter. Winter Solstice is the longest day of the year. It is the festival of the sun's rebirth and a time to honor the Horned God. On Winter Solstice, Witches bid farewell to the Great Mother abd welcome the reborn Horned God.
