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Candle Colours

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Here's a list of candle colours and what spells/rituals they correspond with:

Black:meditation rituals, hexes, uncrossing rituals and spells to banish evil and negativity.

Blue: magick that involves honor, loyalty, peace, tranquility, truth, wisdom, protection during sleep, astral projection and spells to induce prophetic dreams.

Brown: spells to locate lost objects, improve powers of concentration and telepathy,protection of familiars and household pets

Gold : spells that attract the power of cosmic influences and rituals to honor solar deities.

Gray : spells to neutralize negative influences

Green : spells involving fertility, success, good luck, prosperity, money, rejuvenation and a,bition, rituals to counteract greed and jealousy.

Orange : spells to stimulate energy

Pink : love spells and rituals involving friendship and femininity

Purple : psychic manifestations, healing and spells involving power, success, independence and household protection

Red : fertility rites, aphrodisiacs and spells involving sexual passion,love, health, physical strength, revenge, anger, will power, courage and magnetism

Silver : spells and rituals to remove negativity, encourage stability and to attract the influence of the Goddess

White : consecration rituals, meditation, divination, exorcism, and spells involving healing, clairoyance, truth,peace, spiritual strength and lunar energy

Yellow : spells involving confidence, attraction,charm and persuasion
