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Matt's Petz Page

Welcome to my Petz site.

Hey, guess what? I'm finally updating! I'm writing this for a second time because I nearly deleted the whole page the first time. Since I've got a healthy 1000 hits *cough* over a two year period, which is sad...but a thousand hits IS a thousand hits. So I've decided to start work on the page again. So if you come to this site and have Petz stuff you BETTER send it to me (not like I can do anything about it anyway but still...). Please send in any questions, comments, ideas, bugs found or just about anything else to my address at the bottom of the page. I'll probably be putting frames on the page soon. Unfortunately I probably won't ever have any of the latest info so if you want that go to Anso's page. But I will have a chat, maybe an adoption center and pictures and stories and such, maybe even Petz Fanfic type thing, so send anything to me and we'll go from there. Just incase you're wondering this page IS updated recently because it's July 29th 2000 now. My computer crashed and my cousing has the Petz CDs so when I get them back I will have more of my own Petz pictures. Have a good time. =D
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Come see the awards I've earned!
The place for Petz the actual site by Pf.Magic themselves!
Anso's Petz webpage one of the elite Petz pages!
My Petz gallery! Please submit your Pix by e-mailing me!
My JAVAscript Petz game!
My Petz story page!
My download page contains my favorite games!
My Petz info page!
The way to my super-cool chat page!
