
(Send us your review of Scary Movie! to be included on this page. Our policy is to post all serious reviews. Tell us the truth about your viewing experience! You can view the movie right now on Firefly Webvision.)

Small Town Zombies

This film looks great for a film with a budget of $200. Shot in black and white, the zombies are visually impressive in every scene they appear and there are many beautifully creepy shots. The acting is much better than your average horror flick and, like the plot itself, is a parody of the old school, black and white, B-movie genre. It is not the greatest zombie film. It is not even as good of a horror parody as one could hope for, but there are some very funny and spooky moments that make it a strong film. Scary Movie! is a zombie film that you will want to pull out on occasion and is great for viewing with friends for a bunch of laughs! by: hybridzombie (posted on the Zombie Movie Database)

Give it a try

Scary Movie! is definitely one of those B flicks that you want to have on the shelf and pull out from time to time! With crazy plot twists, campy acting, and stellar one liners - this is mindless fun that every horror movie fan's gotta see! It tries to set itself up as a bad B horror movie, but somehow ends up better than most. I love the mayor, or the raving femi-nazi as one talking zombie calls her. She is completely mindless that her town is being taken over by zombies, only to end up meeting her demise at the hands of her former opponent in the previous years election who has since died and has come back to settle the score. This is only but one of many hilarious sub-plots that this flick has going. At a little over an hour, it will definitely have you both laughing and screaming!!! Don't think - put this on your gotta see list now! by: scaryfan2025 (posted on the Zombie Movie Database)

Pretty Good Stuff

This is another of those indy films that proves to be pretty entertaining, but is far from perfect. The movie doesn't overstay it's welcome and the acting is fairly strong. The zombies in here are decently made-up and are the cause of much mayhem here. All in all, an enjoyable flick if not one that doesn't stand out from others of its kind. by: Verhoskan (posted on the Zombie Movie Database)