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Hi,This is Mario This are alot of things on this page
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if u can wait that long, Thank you and enjoy you're visit to my page
Sign, Mario

My ICQ # is 28411046

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Hello!, This my page there is not much to see still I've been updating it bit by bit, So if you will be patient,I'll be putting more up.Now till then feel free to look around,make yourself at home. A few things to check out are the band links at the bottem of the page,there is the cd search & while your searching buy a cd while your at it.there a few things to do on the page as well, The Guestbook,search for computer software, enjoy the music, Use my ICQ respond panels( & indicators to see if I'm online) and if I am,Send me a message or use the search mode & look something up on the web.I have added some various games to play, scroll down to play,by the way when you see the news reel, if you see a story that intrests you,cilck the it,Oh yeah HAVE A NICE DAY!! }: - )
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My ICQ # is 28411046
Aggressive Skating
Aggressive Skating
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My ICQ # is 28411046

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-Evil House of Cheat- Get essays in all subjects. No charge. All essays are with complete descriptions, including grade given when handed in.

favorite band
KoRn Nirvana N' Sync Backstreet Boys
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My ICQ # is 28411046

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These Games Require Shockwave,if u have you're ready to play if not, it takes a 1 minute to get
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GWF-Geibel Wrestling Federation
Lindsey's Page

Some links, i like to go to

wHy iT SuCkS tO bE aN eGG
Some JOKEs
poem about SANTA CLAUSE<----hehe funny
sIcK jOkEs
visit Limp Bizkit
visit more Limp Bizkit
GREAT BAND-Papa Roach Website
DRAGONBALL Z !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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