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The Outline

I. The Age of Jimmy and Jerry

A. Jerry Jones buys the Dallas Cowboys from H.R. Bright for $140 million.

B. Jones hires Jimmy Johnson to be his head coach.

1. Problems between Johnson and Aikman

2. Aikman and Johnson bond

3. Super Bowl win #1 and 2

C. Johnson -vs- Jones begins due to control problems

D. Jimmy's little party

E. Jerry at the hotel

II. Barry Switzer becomes the new head coach

A. Jones and Switzer what a great team

B. Barry and Troy back at O.U.

C. Barry and his past

III. Problems on the rise

A. Aikman vs. Switzer feud begins

B. Erik Williams is in a car crash

C. Williams is accused of sexual assault

D. Cory Fleming is arrested on a DWI

E. Leon Lett violates N.F.L. drug policy

F. Clayton Holmes tests positive for drugs

G. The Cowboys win their first Super Bowl under Switzer

H. Michael Irvin is arrested for drug possession

I. The White House is revealed

J. Lett violates the N.F.L. drug policy for the second time

K. Irvin and Williams are accused of sexual assault

IV. The champs are defeated

A. World champions Cowboys are defeated in the second round of the playoffs

B. Aikman vs. Switzer continues

C. Troy Aikman threatens to retire

By Joseph Rodgers

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