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LEGION'S SITE(Satanic Metal)

Thee six Chapters:

The FALLEN Angel:

Hail to all thou evil souls around the world.We bid you welcome.This site is owned and in possession from thee Supreme Satanic metal band LEGION.

Legion lives in the very south of the Netherlands(Holland),in a part which is called Maastricht(Limburg).This town is dominated by hardcore musicians and there are only a very few metal bands in this area.Legion is still the only supreme satanic metal band from this city,who are spreading their words of Darkness.

We hope that you as a reader will enjoy this page and will learn more about this satanic metal band.So enjoy and keep the Black flames burning...

Chapter 1,Line Up:

This is the eternal Bloody line-up from LEGION:

Vocals-Pascal Beastings

Guitar-Raymond Arndtz

Bass-Bram Groothuysen

Drums-Ron Keulers


(On this picture:)From the left to the right;

Raymond Arndtz(baal)/Ron Keulers/Pascal Beastings(legionsupreme)/Bram Groothuysen/

Chapter 2,History:

The history of these four persons go's back in the time of '89 when they all started playing in their first band.Raymond and Ron had a band in which they played several covers songs from others.At one day they asked a new vocalist(pascal) to join this band and ofcourse he did.They we're called by the name of Filthy Agression.When this band stopped playing,ray/ron and pascal wanted to go on,but they lost contact.Everyone went their own way,in that time different line-up's and different bands we're formed.After almost 2 years this three persons met again and they formed a new band which was called then Positive Reaction.They played a sort of power/speed/thrash metal,but also this band couldn't carrie on,so it ended the same as the past ones.Meanwhile bram was started playing in some bands for the first time,sometimes with a guitar other times with a bass.He ended up with a band what was called Lords of Fire,where he played thrash metal.Pascal was still searching for a new band to play a kind of black metal,together with raymond.After lots of searching,Pascal found a new bassplayer in the name of Fabian Wetzels(Pascal knew him from before when he played with him in a band called Paranoid),and so they only needed to look for a man behind the drums.Ron couldn't be found,so first they started looking for a new rehearsal room,and when they found it an old friend from the past came along.His name;Jos Nievelstein.He played drums before and so we asked him to join us.All with the same attitude to play black metal with a own style in it. When they thought well enough about a bandname and how to play their music Ray came with thee infernal name LEGION.And so a new band was born...

Chapter 3,Present: Episode 1;

The exact date that Legion took place upon this earth is unknown,but one thing is sure,it was at the end of december '94.The very first rehearsal was on 28 jan '95.Then they didn't exactly know how the music would sound like.Pascal and also Raymond listened much kinds of black metal,while Jos and Fabian had a different taste that went from Iron Maiden to D.r.i..So it was hard to give Legion a own style,but after a few rehearsals,it turned to the right direction and their music became more agressive and brutal.The lyrical parts handled about satanism and many other occult things.The music was fast,slow and had also melodic parts in it.After 6 months of rehearsing,they played their first live gig.They knew after their first live performance that they had to learn more,and so they practiced further.After almost a year of existance they went into a studio to record their debut demo."ARMAGEDDON" was recorded in the tercel studio at Voerendaal, it was a half hour lasting tape with 4 songs and a intro on it.The demo was recorded and mixed in 2 fucking days on 29 and 30th of july '95.Almost 150 copy's we're sold and also tapes went to zines,labels and friends.Armageddon recieved well by some and was hated by some others. Well the demo went his way and Legion was ready to do many live gigs.So gigs we're organised in Limburg.They started with a few local bands(Fey,Bifrost)and they went on with Nightmare on Helmstreet and Souls of the Departed.Then came the bigger ones like the danish band Denial Of God.During this gig the first thing go's wrong;the bassplayer Fabian got totally drunk on stage,played very bad and after that he went backstage to steal promotional stuff from Denial Of God.After this kind of betrayel,Legion kicked him out.Again they went searching for a new bassplayer and after one month they found a new replacement.Nico Pieters a 29 year old bassplayer who played in several bands before,but couldn't find the right band.So again they started to rehearse with the new flesh and then picked it up where they left by doing gigs.One of those was as opening act for Mysticum,Gehenna and Marduk.After playing there,they we're backstage with Gehenna and then trhrowed out by the manager of Gehenna,because Legion made to much noise backstage???!Thanx Gehenna for you enormous ego.(we hate you weaklings).The final gig was in Legion's own pub,called Cretz&Co along with Sadist from Italy.This was one of the best live gigs from Legion,the guys from Sadist we're great and they made a lot of fun together.Then the circle turned and there we're more problems to come...

-The last Episode;

When the year changed it's number into '97,there we're plans to go into a studio again to make a full-length cd.It was planned somewhere in april of that year,and when the serious rehearsals started for this to take place,Jos got into deep fuckin shit.In feb'97 he was accused for molesting and abuse(i won't go in for further details)and so he went to jail and was convicted for almost 2 years.It was a total knock out for Legion when this happened and like a flash everything was gone.Legion had to cancel the studio and they all we're furious and didn't know how to go on.In 2 months they found some guys to give it a try out and to be a replacement of Jos.3 persons couldn't forfill Legion's wishes and therefore the problems within the band went worser everyday.Several months past the scene when Beastings found the present adress from Ron Keulers,the guy whom they lost contact with a few years ago.Pascal asked him and without thinking any sec he said yes.He also knew someone who played keyboard/synthesizer and they invited him too.The sound was to pretty and less agressive and so they went on without stupid keyboard sounds(Beastings always hated that and still does).Then suddenly Nico got in many arguments with Raymond about some stupid things and there was no place left for pathetic conversations,so we throwed him out,cause now was the time to bring in a new fresh band without problems.In less then one month Bram called Pascal,saying that he left Lords Of Fire.Legion tried him out on bass and the first couple of rehearsals went perfect.He was a very quick learner and brought new motivation with him.I am convinced that this will be a very strong line-up who has a lot of knowledge and experience.The future plans will be lots of gigs anywhere they possible can and to make one day finally their debut cd...

Chapter 4,Live Gigs:

After Legion's comeback(cretz&co 17th april),they will continue their live gigs in '98.Meanwhile they are making new songs and are searching for areas to play live. Soon their shall be new dates on this page,as they will play around whole limburg. After that gigs will continue in holland,belgium and maybe germany. Also there are plans for playing a few gigs with Sinister..So check this site for updates!!!

On this moment there are no gigs planned, because LEGION is now in a studio to record their debut cd in july and august'98.This satanic killer will be out somewhere around september'98!!!!!!So watch out for further progress at this page!!!

All other bands who wanna be included for live gigs with Legion,or for any other information,Click Here;

,or you can snail mail us at the end of this page.

Chapter 5,Thanxlist:

We would like to thank;Satan(shemhamforasch,hail Satan),Pascal(oele)+Joop for helping out with this page,Mark Angelraper,Necroscope,Walldeaf(for support) ,of course Legion itself(into the darkest abyss),Arco,Guido(great gig at Friesland), Kasper,Christophe(madman from belgium),Mike and Bjorn(for support,succes with Human Ignorance man),Metaphorical,Interior Sickness,Bifrost,Nightmare,Ancient Rites--- (yo let's write again,thanx Gunther),Martijn,Mick&Harold(Cretz is still the best),my Infernal Hail go's to ANTON S.LAVEY(r.i.p.In hell's domain he rules),Maas,thanx to god and his bastard son for banishing and to release world's most infernal creation and upper god EVER...Further thanx to all thou evil souls and true satanics all over this earth,let all others live in pathetic thoughts and may they burn eternal...

The Final Chapter:

Merchandise; Demo "Armageddon".This tape is not for sale anymore!!(all sold out)

There is an live blasting tape you can buy with a good sound quality.It's recorded at stage Zaroca at Susteren on 25-04-98.You can get this tape by sending f10,-dutch guildens+f2,50 on postage or 7$ worldwide,no ripp offs.

There are also satanic t-shirts from Legion you must buy!! They are in black and white included with backprint(limited edition).To get this t-shirt you must write to the adress below or email us!!!

After 4 years finally Legion's infernal voices have been heard.At this moment(july+august'98)they are in an studio to record their first cd which was first ment for dec'98.It will be out at the end of august/sept'98,and the title will be;For I Am Of Many.

Also this cd will be limited edition.6 songs and introcomposion are on it and will have a playing time of about 45min!!Further details are on this site as soon as possible...

Eternal hate to all those whom believe in christianity and other weak religions,be aware that you first believe in yourself,instead of reading and listening to false promises,Burn Motherfuckers as we remain in silence and tremble all over you*# "TRUE WE ARE THE RIDERS FROM THE DARKTHRONE,WE CREATE AN EVERLASTING FUCKIN BLACK WORLD"

Bands/Zines/Clubs/Festivals/or satanic ones you can write to us at the following adress;

c/o:Pascal Beastings
Musketruwe 41 b
6218 tn
Limburg,The Netherlands

Only serious mail will be answered!!!

"Come to us children of the light,let me show you another world,

where pleasure and lust stands above,where you have your own kingdom,

and nothing stands in your way,so walk with us slow and gently,

as we open the doors to hell's paradise"

All Of You Shall Bath In The Blood Of Sins! ©P.Beastings'98




Fuck You!

You are a visitor since;(27-03-98)...

Infernal Links:

The ultimate Satanic Site
Enter satanslegion (Baal)
Violent Moshground,the best Black/Death zine from the Netherlands
One of the most Evil Sites
The Satanic Superstore
Literary project of the Necronomicon
