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Love is all we need, yeah...

O ¤ ° This page last updated on: June 25, 2002 ° ¤ O

I never work on this webpage. Well ok, technically that isn't true, but i'll go in spurts. I'll work on it endlessly for about 2 weeks and then not touch it for like 3 months. *shrug* I think i need some new colors or something.

*sing* That was her, this is me!*sing*

You can click on the link above to register at Remember to put my screename, PixieStixGirl, in there so we both get KiwiPoints! It's a really cool site, but I doubt many boys would appreciate it.

The first picture is a cartoon drawing of me, and the second is my friend Pauline. She and her friend Christine both made mine for me, so click on my picture to visit Christine's page and click on Pauline's picture the visit her page.

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******* P.S. I luv ya Laur!!!!! -- Katie *******


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