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My Favorite Links

This page is dedicated to my very best friend Tiff.
This page is dedicated to my father who passed away on Thursday November 14, 2002.
This page is dedicated to all those who died on Sept. 11 and to all of our heros. God bless you all!
Clearfield Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America

My Rainbow Brite Page
Val's Homepage
Lyrics Page
My Eeyore Page!

Pictures of me

Pic of me, my lil' sis and my moms b/f
a pic of me and my lil sis
a newer pic of me..

Favorite Softball Links
¤My Softball Page¤
Offical Softball page
Offical Womens pro fast-pitch page
Penn State Womens Softball Page

Favorite Band Links

koRn page
Led Zeppelin page
Greatful Dead page

Well this is my homepage, not to much going on here lately, but im trying. Its also not updated that often, but hope ya all like it. I am trying my best to keep up with this, but its very hard. If you want to email me you can email me at i just wanna give a shout out to all my friends, ya know who ya are!!!! Keep it Real!!!

Drop me a line by clicking the mailbox:


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