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I am a self proclaimed cross stitch addict!! In the 20 years that I have been stitching I have managed to collect all the colors of DMC, then they came out with the 3800 series of floss. Now I need to get all those colors!

I really appreciate the works of Paula Vaughn (because I quilt also) and Diane Arthurs. I enjoy doing the patterns from the "Christmas Remembered" series. I love the old fashioned Saint Nicholas' in those books. I adore samplers and working on linen.

I recently tried and love working with hand dyed floss and hand dyed linen. Bent Creek uses these flosses in their patterns. And what beautiful patterns they are! I am working on one now called "Snow".

I have mostly stitched projects for others, and just in the past couple of years, started stitching for myself, mostly snowmen. Now it seems I want to keep everything I make!!!

Finally after a year of stitching, I finished a Stoney Creek chart with of a violin with an oval floral border for my mother-in-law. This chart had about a kajillion colors of floss in it!!! But the finished product is spectacular! I had it framed in an oval antiqued gold frame which picks up the gold threads used in several places in the picture.

I also finished an another fish picture for my D.H.'s office. One already hangs on the wall there, this is one to match.

Enjoy yourself while you browse through this site. I am always looking for other great websites related to stitching, let me know your favorites!!!

My Favorite Stitch Sites

Bent Creek
Kathleen M. Dyer's Page - LINKS!
Barb's Cross-stitch Index!
Told In A Garden Home Page
Wonderful Stitches WWW Home Page
Stitchers @ ABQ
Wyndham Needleworks
All Stitched Up
