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Friends that fell through the cracks

Wells Condo - I met him my first year down here at my job. We were both hired as temps and graduated to full employees and have similar tastes in technology and entertainment.
4.02.03 - I occasionally talk with Wells, but not too often. I know he has a job, he's living really close (5 minutes walking) to where he works, and he's alive. 3 good things as far as I see it.
10.25.01 - Well Wells is gone and has been gone for awhile now. He's moved on towards greener pastures in the Fredericktown area. Last I heard, he was nearly hired with by Adelphia's computer networking division. Maybe now he'll quit complaining about Adelphia. :)

Justin Dubois - Justin. Maybe it's just something about that name. Like DZ, Justin DB is hiliarious as well. He's ANOTHER one of my friends from high school and yes: he's also into car stereos. Unfortunately he lost a damn cool ride following a small mistake (really large actually)
02.27.02 - Doobie seems to be hiding this girl (we hope) by the name of P. He doesn't talk about her but he always has these messages up about her. Kinda interesting if you asked me. I don't know though. I still talk with Justin from time to time and he's still cool.