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Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Hotmail - Free E-mail Service
Yahoo - A place for chatting, personals, news, etc.
My fave sister's homepage.
My big bro Brian's homepage
Freetown - A chat site, really easy to use

HEY!! It's me Kristin. i haven't worked in this stupid page for a long time, but there are a few new things on here, and after today i prolly won't work on it for a while. but anyways, check it out, i got pics, stuff about me, and hiiii's to my friends on here. so have fun and PLEASE sign my guestbook!!!! THANX!!! bye!!!

.shout out to my friends.

Click here to see my pictures *s*

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"I'm tired of all you...I don't mean to be mean but that's all I can be is just me And I am, whatever you say I am If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?" -Eminem-

Tina the Troubled Teen

TheSpark.com Official Purity Test

Last updated on 7/27/00

| me | friends | pics of me |

Email: prettykritty@hotmail.com