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~Kayla's Corner~

my indoor guard page!!!!<---click on the circle to go to my awesome indoor guard page!!!

my friend's pics!! Click here to see pics of me and my friends!!

Poetry Page!Click here to go to my poetry page!

Austin Power page!!! Click here to go to my Austin Powers page, yeah baby!!!

Please sign my guestbook, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks bunches!!!

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Wanna Know A Little Bit About Me?

Here is a little bit about myself. Well, to begin, I've lived here in Pennsylvania all my life. It can be a great place to live sometimes, but other times, I'm ready to get out of here. I am currently a freshmen at Westminster College (scary isn't it?). So far it's been ok I guess, I'd rather be at home with my friends though. I have tons of great friends, a few of them are: Brian(my best friend for life), Colleen,Michael, Krista, Joe, Shane, Nikki, Bobby, Vicki, Miceli, Lena, JP, Chris, Chad, Todd, Josh, Brandon,Charity,ERIC(WE ARE COOL) and if I forgot anyone, I'm sorry and tell me and I'll add you okay?? Please don't hate me!!! I have many nicknames. A few of them would be Kay, Kay-Kay, Joe, Hoochie, Maria Tortilla, and there are many others that I just can't think of right now. I use to be involved with the colorguard, but the indoor season is over and so is my colorguard career.I have ICQ, I'm usually on there a lot so if you are on and don't have anyone to talk to, look my up, my number is 10316739... look me up soon please!! I also have AOL Instant Messanger, my screen name there is PeArCe01. Well that's about all I have to say for now..hope to hear from you all soon..and please sign my guestbook and let me know what you think....look around at all my pages,they are all pretty cool..bye!

The Greatest Links On Earth!!!!!

This is our colorguard homepage, go check it out, it's pretty cool!
my best bud Lisa's page, it's pretty cool, go take a look!
This is one of my closest friends, Vicki's homepage! Check it out cuz it just rocks!
Another Lisa homepage...a different page and a totally different Lisa, go take a look it is awesome!
