the consuming fire that is klapTor

the Reptile man cometh

klapTor. Just who or what is he? He is not only myth. He is legend. He is not merely man, he is not merely reptile. He is THE Reptile man. "How did I come by this knowledge?" you may ask. It is simple. The Reptile man was once a character of my imagination. Until... one day...
He became very real.
"What do you mean, He became real?" you may ask. Just read on and you will understand. When I was a child in secondary school I hatched a scheme to make other students believe in my imaginary Reptile man. To my great astonishment many started to believe in my fictitious creation. I thought I had fooled them all. I was wrong. I discovered how wrong I was when one day it became dreadfully clear that my prank had come to life. I was joshing around with my school friends in math class when who did my eyes come to gaze upon roaming the halls of my instituion of learning? It was the face from my dreams; from the very depths of my imagination. It was klapTor, the feared Reptile man. I watched, petrified with fear, as klapTor began to. . .BOOGIE. Yes, the Reptile man is not ashamed to get down from time to time. In fact, he quite enjoys it. This sign, this dance of klapTor, was a point of much discussion among myself and two freinds. Why does he enjoy getting down? we would ask each other. We could not fathom the answer, but we knew it was a sign to the three of us. Then one night, not too long ago, a man who shall be called the prophet of klapTor had a dream. This dream told the secrets of klapTor, of the Reptile man. In his dream the prophet, myself, and another man who shall be called "Fred" were dubbed klapTor. We took this as another sign. The prophet, "Fred," and I convened for a meeting concerning the Reptile man. We decided that if we acted together we could control the Reptile man. We set out to do so, and found out that we could not control klapTor because we became klapTor. Whenever the three of us were together we would consume souls of innocent passersby just because we needed to quench our combined thirst for human sacrifice. The souls consumed by us, the Triumverant of klapTor, remain uncounted, but are known to exceed a thousand human souls. That is why we elected to separate from each other. We knew that for the safety to others, we had to live our lives apart. Now I am separted from the others by 500 miles. They can interact peaceably with each other now that the Triumverant is no longer intact. But I long to be with them. My thirst for souls has not died with my separation from the others. It had just been put into recession for a time. Now, though, my thirst is stronger than ever. When I am reunited with the others we will once again consume souls with abandon. We will triumph over lesser gods. We will rule supreme.
Beware of klapTor.
We are coming.

Listed below are links to brief, yet descriptive biographies of
the members of the Triumverant

The prophet of klapTor.
Here is a candid photo of a man who upon
seeing the Triumverant uttered this last word.
and upon this utterance his soul was taken and his body left for dead.
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