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The display Tag

Now I will go over the display tag that can be used in our Webtv e-mail. This is used before the body tag.

1.The first one that I will go over is the <display transition="what you want it to do"> This will tell it how to load your e-mail. Some have it up, down, right, left and wavy like.

<display transition=wipedown>
<display transition=wipeup>
<display transition=wipeleft>
<display transition=wiperight>
<display transition=slidedown>
<display transition=slideup>
<display transition=slideleft>
<display transition=slideright>
<display transition=pushdown>
<display transition=pushup>
<display transition=pushright>
<display transition=pushleft>
<display transition=zoominh>
<display transition=zoomin>
<display transition=zoominv>
<display transition=zoominout>
<display transition=zoomout>
<display transition=zomminout>
<display transition=zoomouth>
<display transition=zoomoutv>
<display transition=blackfade>

2.Now I will go over what else you can use with the <display> tag:

<display hideoptions> ---this will turn the status bar off at the bottom of the screen

<display nosend> ---this tag won't let others send your e-mail or page

<display nosave> ---this tag won't let others save your page

<display nologo> ---this won't let the webtv logo appear at the bottom right hand corner

<display address="what you want to say"> ---this replaces your address with information that you want when someone hits the "info button"

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