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Jaina Solo's Jedi Academy

Update May 30, 2002: This site will go through a total rehaul. I'm not sure when it will be done. If you sent me fan fix in the past send it to me again and I PROMISE I WILL post it, any pictures, comments on the books you have or on the movies, reviews of Attack of the Clones, questions, I will try to post everything. Thank you.

I have adonded this website a few years ago. I put a lot of time and effort into this site when I was younger and didn't have the heart to let it go. I recently went into my e-mail account and saw over 100 messages from people everything from questions to offers of help to fan fic. It seems that others haven't let this sit go either, so I'm proposeing something today. I will update this site again. Work on it some more, but I need to know what you guys want. Should I get rid over everything and make it a fan fic site? Should I continue with the Young Jedi Knight theme? Should I make it strictly YJK or just Star Wars or what? Tell me what you want and I'll make my decision. I'll be figuring out how much time I want to put into this site, since it has really suffered over the last 2 years. I'll announce my decision when I've finished reading though the tons of e-mail that I have.
Thank you
Webmaster Samantha (aka Jaina Solo)
P.S. If you sent me e-mail I'll try to answer it and anyone who sent me fan fic I promise that will be my first matter to attend to.

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I still need help. So if anyone has fan fiction and what not send it to me. Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeee!!! I'm also trying to start a pen pal page. For more info on it and what I'm looking for please click on the button marked HELP.

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***If you click on a button it will open as a new page.*** Star Wars has made it to number 4 that means it is just 3 away from taking over Titanic!!!

Star Wars has made it to number 4 that means it is just 3 away from taking over Titanic!!!

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Jaina Solo, Jaina, Jacen Solo, Jacen, Jaya Solo, Jaya, Jasa Solo, Jasa, Tenel Ka, Tenel, Tentel Ka, Lowie, Lowbacca, Lusa, Zekk, Zek, Raynar, Raynor, Han, Han Solo, Leia, Princess Leia, Princess Leia Organia, Leia Organia, Princess Leia Organia-Solo, Princess Leia Organia Solo, Leia Organia-Solo, Leia Organia Solo, Luke, Luke Skywalker, Master Skywalker, Chewie, Chewbacca, Menllium Falcon, Falcon, Yavin, Yavin 4, Yoda, Anakin Solo, Anakin, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader, Dark Vader, The Rock Dragon, Rock Dragon, Fan Fiction, FanFiction, EM-TD, EMTD, E-MTD, EMT-D, C-3PO, C3PO, R2-D2, R2D2, R2, Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, TESB, A New Hope, ANH, Return of the Jedi, RTJ, Young Jedi Knights, The Lightening Rod, Lightening Rod, The Lightning Rod, Jedi Knights, YJK, JJK, Junior Jedi Knights, Tahiri, Tionne, Ikrit, Shadow Academy, RPG, Role Playing Game, Young Jedi Knight Role Playing Game, YJK Role Playing Game, YJK RPG, YJKRPG, Jedi, Jedi Academy Princess Leia Organa, Leia Organa, Princess Leia Organa-Solo, Princess Leia Organa Solo, Leia Organa-Solo, Leia Organa Solo, Fan Fix, FanFic, FanFix, Fan Fic, Fan Fiction.