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Welcome to the hub of the ring that is The Ring of Sleepless Knights. We are the chosen ones who have taken it upon ourselves to fight boredom and ignorance at all costs. We choose to do so by creating, for the sole purpose of creating, the most unique and eclectic web sites on the net. We have invested many long hours in the creating of our sights and are proud to display them to all who happen to pass through. We search days on end for the best content on the net. We write, we sing, we dance, we read, and we dream. We now invite you to attempt to join us on our mission. Grab your imagination in hand and slay the beast that is boredom. Join us! We are The Sleepless Knights!

Good news! The ring now has an award that is being presented to the best 5% of all the members of the ring. It is the coveted First Knights award. No this isn't some shameless self promo linking back to my page. This is an actual award without any links and will never be displayed on my page. (My site isn't even good enough to win this one.) So Join us and join the quest to become the best of them all. Become a First Knight within the ring of Sleepless Knights!

Ok, great sales pitch. So how do I join?
Well it's really quite simple. Goto the
Log-in site and submit your info by clicking on this picture!. I'll swing by and check your page to sign you up!

Want to get to know the people who you are ringing with? (I like to know who my neighbors are) Check out The Sleepless Knights Gathering Place! This is a new message board operated especially for The Ring of Sleepless Knights!
Sleepless Knights Gathering Place!

This Message Board Is Protected By:

Som The Enforcer!

And while you're at it, be sure and check out my homepage!

Sleepless Knights
This Site Is In The Ring of Sleepless Knights

It is owned by
Kyle Webb

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