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Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment

Using the symbols of the world to Awaken to our Spiritual Reality beyond all symbols.

Welcome to seekers of truth who use movies on your inner journey. This Guide to Enlightenment or Salvation will list movies that can be helpful in Awakening to Truth. Metaphysical and forgiveness themes will be the focus. True forgiveness is completely laying aside the ego, the belief in linear time/space.

Movies can be used as a way of expanding consciousness and, ultimately, experiencing the depth and meaning of the Inner Self. They can be a means to get in touch with and release limiting beliefs and come to a resolution of inner conflict. They need not be used as a means of escapism, distraction, or fantasy fulfillment, all of which are ego reinforcement.

Movies are like modern-day parables. They offer a backdrop for experiencing deeper awareness and purpose, the detached, fearless Perspective from which it is apparent "all things work together for good." For those who have the ears to hear and eyes to see, movie watching can offer insights a plenty into the very heart of the Soul. This guide is a list of movies that can help uncover the Innocence and Beauty that is the Real Self as God created It.

I watch movies with a desire to let them be used by the Spirit to release the concepts of "past" and "future." I watch them with an earnest desire for deeper understanding and meaning. My intention has not been to repress the emotions I experience as I watch, but to release all unconscious beliefs and interpretations which prevent the constant experience of Peace and Joy. In releasing everything which does not serve inner Peace and Joy, I am so very grateful for the transformation.

In this Guide I am grateful to share movies that I have been intuitively drawn to on my inward journey and am happy to share the insights which have been revealed from the Spirit Within. We always find what we are truly looking for, and movies witness and "speak to me" in a visual/verbal language that I really understand and am eager and ready to receive. You might say that the way I now watch movies is the way I observe the events and scenes and scripts of the world: with forgiving eyes. In my experience, forgiveness is synonymous with peace of mind and nonjudgment. Thank you God! Thank you for this Perspective! Enjoy your movie mind-watching!



PS: "The Matrix"
has been released. I wrote the following to my friend Thomas, though it is for us All (remembrance of Self):

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to Awaken immediately. The Way is set. You are the One.

First there was brother sun, sister moon, and the Call to follow Christ was apparent. The Melody of the forgotten Song was stirred. Then followed groundhog day and the loop of time and the change of purpose needed for Escape was revealed Then there was dark city and the underpinnings of a world of projection were exposed as the constructed false memories of misdirected mind--though when turned right side up, only Light and Love and Innocence remain as Reality. The truman show revealed what Shakespeare had foreshadowed: all the world's a stage, though Mind must see it can play no "part" The contrived world of control and product placement was seen as a set and the show is effectively over when it is no longer believed as real.

And now there is "The Matrix:" a composite of all that has been revealed in a parable of going entirely beyond the fabric of the dream to total Awakening -- You are the One! This parable you know. A metaphysical masterpiece of the transcendence of belief. The Mind which seemed to give rise to belief must inevitably see the unreality of belief and recognize the Single Reality of Self in God.

Release is inevitable, the time is at hand!

Proceed immediately to the nearest theater or video store and view at once.

Be prepared--the world of perception will never look the same as it once did.

Every viewing will reflect a loosening of all you believe is real.

I rejoice with You as One!

I love you forever!


Thanks to everyone for your e-mails. On the final page of this Guide I will post some of the e-mails I receive. Wisdom is truly Universal!

Page 1 (In alphabetical order): Titles A thru F

A Fairy Tale- All the world is full of symbols for those who have the eyes to see and are open to releasing limiting beliefs. Children can be open-minded and therefore "see" what is not accessible to the close-minded. Helpers can take many forms, for form can only represent and lead to What is entirely beyond perception: Light & Love!

A Price Above Rubies- Whether you believe in God or not, be open to following your heart and questioning the ways of the world. Whatever you need on your journey to inner peace will appear. True religion is the experience of present inner peace, love ,and freedom, not ritual and doctrine and tradition. When words and actions seem hypocritical and inconsistent, go beyond them to the experience of love in your heart.

A Stranger Among Us- Contrasting cultures and ethnic customs/conditioning cannot veil the bright light of true love. Love sees beyond appearances and perceived differences and draws us near. Devotion, honor, respect, and integrity are beyond the traditions of time, for these qualities touch on the Eternal. We need not conform to the limitations of time, for love is everlasting.

A Walk In the Clouds- Even complicated webs of deception will fall away when you yield to the love in your heart. The seeds of love will never die. Love compels us to face our worst fear and go beyond it. Love guides us to Itself.

Always (Steven Spielburg)- The love we attempt to withhold is the only pain we carry. As we learn to help without wanting something in return, we remember the meaning of true love. Love does not possess. In helping and letting go of the desire to possess, we are Helped to understand unconditional love.

Always (Henry Jaglom)- Letting go of expectations and control is the only way we experience a "happy ending." Living in the moment, free of the past, is the only state of mind in which we are in union and beyond the possibility of "divorce." True Union is Eternal, beyond the body and the world.

Amanda & the Alien- True love is extending and helping regardless of changing appearances. Form seems to shift and change, but love has its strength in the mind, and this love is fearless. Be not concerned about the form of the person you are with, for you are always with your Self. And when you help anyone, you are Helped.

As Good As It Gets- There is hope for anyone and any relationship when giving way to the desire to be helpful. Opportunities to release past habits, patterns, and idiosynchracies abound. When the heart finally opens, it is a glory to behold.

Awakenings- The desire to help can draw someone out of the shell of fears and inhibitions. In helping we are Helped. In our desire to heal and make whole, we realize we are healed and whole. Never stop hoping, for if you keep the faith the fruits of your determination will become apparent. And you will Awaken to Love!

Being There- True Love is innocent and beyond the judgments of the world. Innocence is beyond fear and want, for it contains everything within Itself. Life is nothing more than a state of Mind. Mind over matter is the lesson reflected in the final scene of this movie. In defenselessness is true safety, and this lesson shines clearly in the parable of this innocent, sweet, simple gardener.

Born On the Fourth of July- Anger and guilt will shift from scene to scene, place to place, until its source is unveiled and forgiven inside of us. Until there is forgiveness, the blame game, finger-pointing, and distractions to forget the pain are but follies a deceived mind plays with to stay in denial. Once anger and guilt are seen as unjustified, they can be released forever.

Borrowed Hearts- (A CBS made for TV movie) Though a deceptive situation may be set up for monetary gains, God hears the prayer of the heart. Love melts the most hardened and isolated chunks of ice, and an angel hovers 'round us, often in the least suspected time and face. Any situation can be used to find the true meaning of love. The prayer of our innermost Heart, like the prayer of an innocent child, comes true.

Box of Moonlight- Stepping out of the status quo can seem to be challenging and risky, but when it happens it is magical and opens us to a whole new world. Fear of loss inhibits, but with each new step we are gently guided beyond repetitious patterns as we loosen from the need to be in control of the circumstances of the world. The Intuition leads to deeper relationship and transforms our perception and outlook.

Breaking Up- A composite, revealing exposure of the futility of attempting "relationship" without Divine Purpose. Relationships without a Divine Aim always "break up," for they are based on nothing. Divine Purpose could be described as forgiveness, the undoing and releasing of the ego. For the belief in the ego prevents awareness of True Union and Intimacy. And the underlying fear of Intimacy and Union is the ego's fear of loss of itself, the "personal self" and the "personal world." There are pseudo "ego" experiences of attraction and repulsion, bonding and hatred, but underneath there is always a wish to separate and "go separate ways" or to maintain the private, independent sense of self. This is the futility and confusion of all worldly "relationships" and attempts at the "union of bodies." True Love is of the Spirit (beyond the body) and lasts forever!

Brother Sun, Sister Moon- The ways of the world and the Ways of the Spirit contrast, as darkness contrasts with Light. Love calls us inward, beneath the insane beliefs in war, commerce, and ritualistic traditions that block the Light. Love Calls, and those who hear It and follow Its beckoning find great joy that is not of this world. In following Love, the simple joys of the Spirit become apparent. Happily, in the end, darkness disappears in Light.

Chances Are- We are all sooo in love with each other, but seem to have an amnesia about our Oneness in Love. In the sleep of forgetfulness we tried it "on our own," but deep inside we've known, we'd be back to set things straight. The roles we seem to take on in this world is where the confusion and conflict arise. These roles change and repeat in many patterns. And though every memory (the past) repeats, every step on our inward journey retreats toward our Source and True Reality. And in the End we remember how it is meant to be with God, forever You and Me after all.

Dark City- In a world of darkness controlled by time, images and roles shift and change by night as if part of a mad experiment. Everyone seems under the spell of sleep and forgetfulness, just vaguely remembering distant memory of light, of Home, but unable to remember how to get back there. When the plan of darkness is finally uncovered and exposed, the upside-down world is turned right-side-up and bathed in the light of Innocence in the present moment. There is no memory of a past. The games of fear and guilt are ended in the Light of True Love.

Dead Man Walking- What faith it takes to move beyond inner fears and the seeming "opinions of the world" to find True Innocence within. What strength it takes to look past appearances and actions to the Love that resides inside, without taking sides or condemning any brother or sister. Yet faith is rewarded openly when we learn to truly forgive, and let go of the illusions that were mistakenly held about our Self and the world. We experience a joy not of this world!

Deconstructing Harry- The characters of novels and plays and movies are much like the characters that people the world. Fear and insecurity are the threads that make up the tapestry of the world. Yet as we learn not to take the people and events so seriously and have a change of heart about the world, we gain a broader perspective. We gain a glimpse of the Big Picture. Every "body" has "played the part" perfectly on the stage of the world so we could learn our one lesson. The Innocence within is all that remains when the play or movie or novel comes to an end. And when we finally learn the only lesson that needed to be learned, forgiveness, the characters offer us a standing ovation for all the gratitude and love that was always present deep inside.

Defending Your Life- The past is very much like a past memory pavilion that repeats until we learn to transcend "judgment city." When the desire for joining or union becomes sufficiently singular, we are released from the past and thus released from the illusory consequences which we once believed were true. Deep down everyone wants to love and be loved. When we relinquish judgment, we at last open to the experience of True Love.

Devil's Advocate- The lures of the world glimmer and tempt toward a "better life" of more status, more money, more power, more recognition, and more sex appeal. But once these "gifts" are seen to be fool's gold, the underlying illusion of the world (ego) is unveiled. As long as one gives faith to the ego, one will seem to be a pawn in the ego's game and world. When you see the ego exposed, it no longer is attractive. When faith is withdrawn from an illusion, the illusion disappears, much like darkness vanishes with the dawning of Light.

Deja Vu- There are no accidents or chance meetings among events or among "relationships." There is a Plan of Awakening, a Destiny unfolding, that ego rationality cannot comprehend. The power of Love Calls us and draws us to Itself, and our Intuition guides us safely Home in spite of the many conflicting voices of the world that seem to surround us. Conventional and traditional explanations and approaches fail, but all is well. Our innermost Heart knows the Way and guides us wisely! It is a vibrational harmony of the Soul we must follow, not the "should's" and "ought to's" of convention and routine based on the past. Follow your Heart.

Eraser- Like in the movie "The Net," the fear of losing a worldly identity is exposed. Trust is the key to true forgiveness and surrendering the worldly identity to the Spirit and the Spirit's Protection is opposite to protecting and defending the body "identity." Letting go of attachment to externals and placing your faith in the Spirit is the key to Enlightenment.

E.T.- No matter what anyone says or does or thinks or feels or tries to achieve or accomplish in this world, deep inside they only want to go Home! It is the same lesson as the classic Wizard of Oz theme. Never forget this. It is the deepest desire, and it is yours and mine as well! The desire to return Home is unforgettable. Call it what you will: Heaven, Oneness, Love, Bliss, Nirvana, Eternity, or Everlasting Life in God, Home is the deepest Calling of the Heart.

Field of Dreams- Follow your heart on a journey of discovery. Listen to the Voice within and do what It says, even if it sometimes doesn't make sense. Your passion to discover the Truth will guide you on and draw others along with you. The whole journey is about forgiving the past and remembering the Love that is ever-present. Love waits only for welcoming and acceptance. When the heart is ready, the witnesses will appear. If you make ready the Altar of your mind, God will come into awareness. God is always present.

Forrest Gump- Innocence is unfettered by the laws and ways and thinking of the world. With faith to just take the next step, Life takes care of Life. Contentment and happiness come from simple nonjudgment, extending love, and letting go of the idea that you really know what anything of this world is for. The journey is simply a yielding or surrender to What Is. When you give up trying to control the direction of the wind, the feather of love will gently make its way to you and land by your side.

Frankie & Johnny- All "relationship" conflict arises from the personal perspective of the ego. In self-deception the self-concept/body identity is held as a substitute for True Intimacy or the Union of Mind. The belief to be questioned is the belief in fragmentation and all subsequent thoughts of rejection, betrayal, anger, and abandonment. It takes great faith to unveil what is believed to be true and to instead accept the Truth of our Self: that as a Spiritual Being we are incapable of being rejected, betrayed, or abandoned.

Enlightenment Links:

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment(continued) Page 2: Movies Titles G-P
Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment (continued) Page 3: Movie Titles Q-The
Movie Watcher's Guide to Enlightenment (continued) Page 4: Movie Titles Thea-Z
Foundation for the Awakening Mind
Enlightenment Home Page
Messengers of Peace Publishing

Miracle Movie thoughts --Thanks to Carlene and the gang in Nashville! God Goes To Hollywood--Thanks Ben & Mary Kay!


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Spirituality in movies