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Get some great Hogan's Heroes sounds here! New sounds as of 1-2-99 (newest ones are @ the bottom)! The ones that have * by them are ones I recorded myself.

I feel like chicken tonight! Well, at least Carter does.
How about some hot coco?
Did someone say icebox cookies?!
Can I cut in?
Klink exaggerates about his date
Don't shoot!
Klink's monacle . . .
Advice not to be followed
Thank you
Vent the room!
What is this man doing here?!
No drips
24 hrs. in the cooler
The story of Newkirk's life
You idiot!
Schultz is in charge?
The famous "I know nothing, I see nothing, and I say NOTHING!
*Klink's car is the best way to get prisoners out of the camp!*
*The fun-loving Gestapo*
*LeBeau sees just how gullable Schultz really is*
*"What's on my cunning mind?"*
*LeBeau points out that Schultz has a favorite phrase*
*Getting blood out of a parsnip*
*"All present and accounted for!"*
*Terrible news isn't so terrible from a different point of view*
*Klink agrees with Hochstetter*
*Carter, Newkirk, and LeBeau sing, along with a quick intro by Carter (zipped)*
*"Barbed wire makes me feel so warm and sentimental inside" - Carter as Hitler*
*Tired of your standard, garden variety demolition packs?*
*You will sit there and you will enjoy it!*
*"I enjoyed myself" - Carter as Hitler*
*"Wiedersehen folks!" - Carter as Hitler*
*Same as above, only with Klink, Schultz, and Carter constantly exchanging "heil"s*
*"I love your stallag" - Carter as Hitler*
*Are you satisifed . . .?*
*"Of course you can't! Nobody can tell me anything!" - Carter as Hitler*
*One of the things they played between commercial breaks when Hogan's Heroes was in Vertivision*
*"Yes, yes, by all means, Wiedersehen folks!" - Carter as Hitler*
*A modification of the Hogan's Heroes MIDI file (it has a Rugrats sort of sound to it)*

When I find or make more, you'll see them here! Mail to!!

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Links (See where I got a lot of the sounds!)
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