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Sergeant James Kinchloe

Kinchloe (Kinch for short) is the technical and communications expert of the group, and Hogan's chief of operations. He is calm and reserved, and probably the most level-headed of the group. He's the one who set up the famous "coffee pot" and takes all news from the underground. Without him, they wouldn't be able to aid in the war from Stallag 13!


"Do I look German?" Thanks for this quote,! It's my fav Kinch quote!!
"News from the underground!"
"Holy cats!"
"Right Colonel, but hold off on that story about the baroness until I get through [transmitting]. Man does not live by radio alone." Thanks for this quote,
"I think I'd like to keep my old matress. It would make a good blanket."
"Message from London, Colonel" Thanks for this quote, Eric!

Got any more quotes? Mail them to me at, NOT the adderss below!