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Sta-Rite owners and Info.

Sta-rit owners


HP………… SERIAL#………… MODEL ………….ING. …………..OWNER

1-1/2 ……………………..?……………………………?………………………….. B,C,I,…………………… R. Peterson

1-1/2………………… 2463………..………………… ?…………………………. B,C,I,……………………. G. Archer

1-1/2………………… 9709………………………… A6………………………… B,C,I,……………………. W. Celley

1-1/2………………… 4792………………………… A3………………………….. ?………………………… E. Rider

1-1/2………………… 3829………………………… A1……………………….. B,C,I,……………………… H. Bruell

1-1/2………………… 3833…………………………. ?…………………….. S,P, H,T,C,…………………… J. Cloke

1-1/2……………….. 2716………………………….. ?……………………… S,P, H,T,C,………………….. B. Bredlow

1-1/2……………….. 3691………………………… A1…………………….. S,P, H,T,C,…………………… B. Bredlow

2-1/2……………….. 6404………………………… B2……………………….. B,C,I,……………………….. L. Opperman

2-1/2………………. 7384…………………………. B2…………………………. ?…………………………… S.Dudley

2-1/2……………. No Tag.... ………………………?…………………………… ?…………………………… H. Bean

2-1/2………………. 0130………………………… B2…………………..Wizzard L.T. Mag …………………E. Olson

2-1/2 ………………6803…………………………. B2………………………….. ?…………………………… J. Durban

2-1/2……………… 9746…………………………. B2………………………. B,C,I,…………………………. G. Belmuth

2-1/2……………… 7198…………………………. B2……………………… B,C,I,…………………………. T. Olson

2-1/2……………… 6523…………………………. B2……………………… B,C,I,…………………………. G. Johnson

4 …………………….?……………………………. ?………………. Wizzard L.T. Mag……………………. J. Fillmore

4……………………. ?……………………………. ?………………………. B,C,I,…………………………… Dalton Museum

4……………………. ?……………………………. ?………………………….. ?……………………………… G. Archer

4………………….. 6701………………………….. ?………………………. B,C,I,…………………………….. D. Norman

6…………………. 4156…………………………. C1…………………………. ?………………………………. J.Wise

6…………………. 8481…………………………. C2……………..Wizzard L.T. Mag……………………….. C. Johnson

6…………………… ?…………………………….. ?………………Pfaustieal L.T.Mag……………………… G. Johnson

6………………… 3719………………………….. C1………………………… ?………………………….…… K.Beitz

7……………….. 82019?………………………… 45A………………… S.P.H.T.C………………….………. W. Coombe

7……………….. 5818…………………………… ?……………………… B,C,I,……………………………… C.E. Kenoyer





4 1/2………………………..657……………………………B,C,I,………………………..H. Bruell

4 1/2……………………….694…………………………….B,C,I,………………………..V. Kindschi

3……………………………763…………………………S.P. H.T.C……………………..G. Johnson

3……………………………764…………………………S.P. H.T.C……………………..L. Grothphorst

6……………………………787………………………….S.P. H.T.C…………………….L. Grothphorst

3……………………………876………………………….S.P. H.T.C…………………….L. Grothphorst

8……………………………1404………………………..S.P. H.T.C………………..……Bill Smith

7……………………………1600…………………………B.C.I…………………………..C.E. Kenoyer

9……………………………2057……………………………I…………………………..…D. Schulz



John Fillmore...............................................Argyle, New york 12809

Kevin Beitz .................................................Millville Pa. 17846

Stanley A. Dudley ......................................902 E. Manitoba St. Ellenburg Wa. 98926

Dayton Nichols .......................................... 612B Rt. 5 Stafferd New York 14143

George H. Archer ....................................... 695 NW 43rd. Ave. Des Moines Ia. 50318

Walt Cellby ................................................. RR#1 Cabot, Vermot 05647

Harold Bean ............................................... Cabot, Vermont 05647

Duane Schultz ............................................ 801 Ramona Terr Rockford, IL. 61111

Ellsworth Olsen .......................................... Rt# 4 Viroqua, Wisc. 54677

C. E. Kenoyer ............................................ Hy 34 Box 356 Sturgis, So. Dakota 57785

Earnest Ryder ............................................ Amburn Road Millbury, Mass. 10527

Dale Norman .............................................. Rt# 2 Box 12 Montevideo, Minn. 56265

John W. Durbin .............................….......... RT# 1 Oseola, Mo. 64776

Henry Bruell ...............................….............. RT# 4 Box 511 Elkhorn , Wisc. 53121

Jerry Cloke ...................................................6840 Woodlockway Citrus Heights, Ca. 95610

B.J.K. Helmuth ............................................ RT#1 Box 17 Arthur, Il. 61911

W.M. Coombe ............................................ 476 Victoria St. Kingston Ontario, Canada K7l-327

Jim Wise .......................................................RT# 4 Sedalla, MO. 65301

Robert J. Bredlow ....................................... RT# 1 Box 188 Ontario, Wisc. 54651

Tom Olson .................................................. Coon Valley , Wisc. 54623

Gerald Johnson ................................…........ W1561 Wendlandt Road, Onalaska, Wisc. 54650

Lyle Opperman ........................................... 801 Park St. Baraboo, Wisc. 53931

Bill Smith ...................................................... RT# 4 Baraboo, Wisc 53913

Lynn Groyhphorst ...............................…..... Sauk City, Wisc. 53578

Vern Kindscht ............................................. Prairie Du Sac, Wisc. 53578



This Information was last updated in 1996 ....So it is not up to date...

If you have any information to help update or add to this list please E-mail me at ( .

B.C.I. ....................... Battery, Coil, Ignito

S. P. H.T.C. .......... Sparkplug, Hi Tention Coil