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Homer-Center Strike

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Welcome to the Homer-Center Teacher Strike page.

Baseball guy striking out Days missed due to the strike: 10

Teachers return to work December Tenth

Contradicting what was said earlier, the Homer-Center Education Association has agreed to return to work December 10. This is the date which will allow 180 school days to be obtained before June 15 set by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, although the date is disputed. The teachers still do not have a contract and no new negotiation meetings are scheduled.

A   n o t e   f r o m   t h e   W e b m a s t e r

I'd like to thank everyone for making this page a success. During the strike, I have learned a lot about the issues and politics of the strike. (Not to mention the experience in webpage building!) I've received over 800 visits to the page and lots of positive feedback. As you probably know, there is a chance that the teachers may choose to strike a second time. If this does occur, you can bet that this page will become active once again. If not, this page will probably remain for several years to come, as long as Angelfire is around. It will serve as a "living history." Thanks again for supporting me on this endeavor.

Christmas Dances Still On

Concerned that the Christmas Dances won't be held? No need to worry. The following is an article printed in the December 3rd Indiana Gazette:
Homer-Center dances to be held

   HOMER CITY -- The Homer-Center Junior High School Christmas Dance, scheduled for Dec. 13, and the Senior High Christmas Dance, scheduled for Dec. 20, both will take place as originally scheduled.
   Students will be able to sign up for the dances when school resumes, which is tentatively scheduled for Dec. 10. No phone reservations will be accepted.

A faculty member at Homer-Center High School confirmed that the dances are still on. She added, "Some of the students may be wondering if it is still scheduled and it is. The date is Dec. 13 from 7-llPM and tickets will be sold in school once we get back and also we will sell at the door. The tickets are $3 single and $5 couple. This dance is for 7th-9th grade but you can ask a 10th grade student. If you ask a student from another school using the same criteria, they must be registered at the school. I am sure the dance will be an uplifting activity for everyone!"

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This is a student-produced page.

What would a webpage be without a disclaimer, eh? So here's mine! This is a personal page and is not supported or created or maintained by Homer-Center School District. Although I try to maintain the utmost accuracy on this page, I may make a mistake. And this page is only as accurate as my sources are. So don't bet your house or your life on anything you might read on this page. If you find something offensive or in error on this page, drop me a line and I might change it. If you hear something contridictory to what this page says, the other source is probably right. :) Thanks for visiting and have a nice day.