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Quotes from Homer-Center High School Students

Reading this might give you an idea of how students of Homer-Center High School feel about the strike. These are "exclusive" quotes you won't find anywhere else; they have spoken to me directly for the HC Strike Page. Personally, I feel that that the strike is partly the school board's fault, for calling off many negotiation meetings, and partly the teachers' for asking for more money.

Stango Speaks Out! Hear what Homer-Center senior Jared Stango had to say about the strike.

"I've lost a great deal of respect for Homer-Center teachers and definitely the district. A strike represents to me that the teachers and the district do not care about the students at all. Yes, the teachers need to be rewarded fairly for their services. Yes, the district needs to negotiate fairly. The fact is, however, the students are the only ones suffering in the situation. Teachers need to be in the classroom while the contract is being settled. In my opinion, no circumstances cause occasion for a strike." --Ed Wlotko

"Now I get to sleep in" --Jim Skidmore

"I'd really rather have a Christmas break" --a student of Grade 11

"We finally get a break" --Anonymous

"A strike hurts everybody" --a student of Grade 10

"The cafeteria gave away free food!" --Anonymous

"It is all right" --Ryan Barber

"During the strike, I have, unlike the Teachers been working. I feel like working is the mature and responsible thing to do." --Sarah Solar

"Hey, I can sleep in" --Ron Conti

"I think everyone involved are greedy and should think of the students first" --Nicole Bowman

"I don't want it to go for a long time." --Sarah Timpe

MATT CARCELLA supports the union and will be marching with them.

"I wish the negotiating committee would try to work with the teachers and maybe a compromise could be reached before all our vacation time is gone." --Susanne

"I think this strike is stupid. We have went (sic) for almost half a year and then go on strike. IT IS VERY STUPID. Think about the students first. --Jennifer Akers

"Can't we all just get along?!" --Kelly Skoff