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My Explanation

Ok, before you start sending me hate mail (particularly the guys).....WAIT! I have time to explain myself, right?? However, if I don't explain myself enough, there is an e-mail link at the bottom of the page. Anywayz, my friend and I don't exactly HATE guys. Hate is such a strong word. We just dislike them....very much! We're not gonna turn into lesbo's or anything like that. It's just that we've been getting mixed up with the WRONG guys. I mean, guys are GREAT friends! But when you go out with a guy--it's TOTALLY different! They just suddenly FORGET how to treat girls or something! Besides, why would I want to mix myself up and completely involve myself with some stupid guy that's going to cheat on me anywayz? NO matter what, every guy cheats...especially at this age because they don't know how to control their hormones. But I wanna make this clear--I won't hate guys forever--I'm sure sooner or later, when I feel like it, I'll get mixed up with a guy, and then I'll think guys are great, and I'll forget about this page. But then reality will sink in, and we will break up and then I will come back to this page and support it very much. (But I'm always hear to listen to all of you girls that wanna complain about guys!) So, depending on what kinda situation I'm in when you see this page depends on the extremes that I will go through to rip guys apart. Now that I have explained myself, hopefully that will stop some of the hate mail about to fly in to my mailbox. Thanx for reading! Enjoy the rest of my page.....

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