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Guy Haters Anonymous

Hey Everyone! This is my Guy Haters page! This page is dedicated to guy bashing! Since we (meaning, us girls) go through so much, having to put up with guys and all, we deserve the right to express how we REALLY feel about 'em, right? After all, guys are reals jerks, aren't they?? I'm always ready to listen to how much guys suck, so feel free to send me your comments or experiences! Anywho, sit back, relax, and prepare yourself for some fun!

For any regular visitors or for anyone who cares, I have finally found a spare minute or two to add some things to the page. I've added 'Guy-Bashing Poetry,' as well as 'Guy-Bashing Stories and Such.' Check those out if you'd like. Also, as always, I have added more quotes and things to 'Jokes (About Guys, Obviously).' Enjoy! And thanx for being ever-so-patient with my slow updates!!

One last thing and I'll shut up: E-mail me with any ideas, comments, questions, suggestions, or anything else you may have in mind. I love to know what you guys think of my page, as well as what improvements I could make. Also, if you have some spare time, stop in and sign my guestbook! Thanks! Onto my page...

- Mandy-
E-mail me-----
- Holly (she has a co-page--link is below)-
E-mail her-----

My Explanation

Why I Hate Guys...

Let's Make Fun of the Guys.....

Jokes (About Guys, Obviously)
Guy-Bashing Poetry
Guy-Bashing Stories and Such
Message To Guys (From Us Girls)
Rules Guys Should Abide By
Hey Guys...Answer These For Me!
Why Life Without Guys Rules!
22 Things A Guy Should Do For His Girl
Classes That Should Be Available For Guys
Sorry...But You're Just Not Mr. Right!

Here's Some Links

The following are pages similar to mine...
Guy Basher 101 - My friend's guy bashing page. Check it out!
Guy Haters Anonymous - This is the co-page to mine. Check it out!
Men Suck
Men Suck -(different from the one above)
Jokes about Men
The Offical G.A.S. Page (Guys Are Scum)
The following are pages I just felt like putting here!
*Mandy's Poetry Page* - My other page. It contains poetry, quotes, and more. Check it out, if you're into that stuff!
The Ultimate Got Ketchup Homepage - Just a page my friend and I created. We love ketchup!

Do you have a webpage you would like me to add to my list of links? Send me the link, or the URL, and I will take a look. If I think it's worthy enough, I will add it to mine. Ha, ha! No need to worry, I'll add it!

Ok, that's all for now. If you have anything you would like to contribute, (jokes, quotes, ideas, graphics, etc.), dealing with guy bashing, send it my way. Also, any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! If you get the chance, stop in and sign my guestbook! Thanks for visiting and come back again!


Last Updated: November 4, 2000

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