Foursquare Cult Links

The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, Inc. 
Foursquare has a history of scandal and unorthodox affiliations.

Foursquare stories on the Internet 
Experiences in Foursquare Churches.

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Aimee Semple McPherson, Foursquare founder 
"Sister Aimee" was prosecuted for faking her own kidnapping, twice divorced, and died of a drug overdose.

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Foursquare and Christian racism 
How is Foursquare connected with Aryan Nations?

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Foursquare and the Worldwide Church of God 
Foursquare leaders help this notorious cult.

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Foursquare Aliases 
Foursquare Churches use different names.

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Foursquare Radio 
Foursquare's KFSG radio station promotes disreputable groups and individuals.

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Foursquare and Gold 
Are gold miracles genuine?

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Foursquare and Doctrine 
Does Foursquare promote Neo-Montanism, Latter Rain, and Kingdom Now?

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Individuals associated with Foursquare.

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Last updated on February 19, 2000