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Gregs The Wheel is Taking WAY Too Much Time Page

How Jordan has ruined WoT
Hello All! I HATE ROBERT JORDAN. What is wrong with him? Has he gone senile? How long does it take for God's sake? We have waited way too long for his stupid, average at best series. Apparently, he hasn't even chosen a title for his next boring book. Thats just great, eh? I really wonder why he has any fans left. In every chat he holds, you hear him say how he knows what is going to happen in his story. So what the hell is taking so long? When someone dares to ask this question, you hear Jordan say how The Eye of the World took four years to write.....and "How dare you suggest that I finish my great series in a reasonable amount of time! I am the greatest fantasy writer ever! Do you hear me! My series is a masterpiece! You think this great epic can be finished overnight?" How can any reasonable person keep waiting for a series that is bound to go on for, at least, 4, or 5 more years?

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