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Becca's Place

Hey everyone *S* well your here so I guess I should tell some stuff about me huh?? *L* well ok here's some stuff

Music: I love music!! I love all kinds EXCEPT for country!! I dont know why I just can't get into it. My favorite bands are Dave Matthews Band and The Beatles BUT my favorite like solo musician that ever lived is John Lennon alot of people ask me why and I have noooo clue why, I just really love his music. Music depends on my mood, sometimes i'm in the mood for Frank Sinatra, sometimes Mase, and sometimes Phantom of the Opera (which is my favorite play of all time that i have totally memorized *L*)

Stats: Well I'm 5'2, green eyes, long brown hair with blonde streaks uhhhh I dunno *L* I have a pic where it says meet the real rebecca,or you could go here and see some more pics CLICK HERE FOR PICS and HELMET has another pic of me on his friends page so go to his link at the bottom of my page!

Hobbies: Well I like rollerblading, tanning (no fake baking), Snow SKiing, and reading i LOVE to read it's like anything can be going on but while your reading your in a total different world and nothing can bother you, it's so peaceful and relaxing I think!!, and then sometimes just hangin with my friends, partyin clubbin, SHOPPING of course!! *L* and well basically thats it wanna know more? well why dont ya just ask me than!

I'm a pretty easy going person kind of opinionated on certain subjects, extremely bullheaded and stubborn though *L* Aright well this has gone on long enough now I'm gonna jet so email me whatever talk to ya later-Becca =)

For those of you who know Becca she is a very special individual. For those of her who know her would agree that this rose symbolizes the type of friend she is to everyone. She has become a very special friend to me and I will miss her dearly on my upcoming trip. She is the warmest and most caring person I have found in the chathouse and will stop whatever it is she is doing to help you, even when she doesn't know you. There is just something about her that glows and you cant help but notice it. Get to know her or lose out on one of the greatest and truest friends you will ever know. Becca you are truly a generous person and wanted to give you this to show how much I care for you. Thank you for being a friend. *HUGE HUGS N KISSES* Love Ya Steve
Meet the real Rebecca

Hey everyone this is my *LOL* dragon tootsie! Don't ask me what exactly posessed me to do this=) But dont u think she's cute?

If ur in the mood for something new and wanna adopt a dragon GO HERE!

Adopt a Dragon!

Hey everyone just wanted to say that i'm goin to the Dave Matthews Concert in Hershey, Pa on July 29 woohoo *L* Just thought i'd give that little mention OK I SAW DAVE MATTHEWS BAND AND THEY KICKED ASS THEY ARE SOOOOOOO GOOD!

Ok one of my favorite groups is Dave Matthews Band, so I found this really cool page where you can listen to clips of them or you can just get tour dates whatever it's really cool, and if you've never heard em before LISTEN to them now they are really good!!!DAVE MATTHEWS BAND PAGE!!

Ok here's another one of my fav groups i especially love John Lennon one of my favorite songs is "Woman" so if your a Lennon fan you know what I'm talkin about *S*

Ok to everyone who stops by in here, i know my page is really krappy right now, but that's because I kinda wanna change some stuff in here it gets kinda boring seeing the same stuff all the time soooo....just keep your eye out k? k *S* oh and by the way how comes I have over a thousand people that have been to my page and yet i only have like a hundred and something people that signed the guestbook?? Is it really that hard to do?? Hmmmmm ......*evil eyes*

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  • Skiing
  • Listening to Music
  • Hangin' out with Friends
  • Talking to my man helmet!

My Page against drunk driving (for my cousin Lisa go see her pic)

My Feelings on Cyber World

Thoughts and all that fun stuff!!

My best friends in the world!

More stuff bout me!

James's (Helmets) really cool page!

My Favorite Links

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Antonio Banderas Pictures
