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Bret Hart's Tirbute's to Rick Rude & Flyin' Brian

Bret Hart's Calgary Sun Column for April 24, 1999


Mr. Richard Erwin Rood, AKA (Ravishing Rick Rude), age 40, of Alpharetta, GA, died (of a heart attack) on April 20, 1999. He is survived by wife, Michelle, daughter, Merissa, Richard Ryan Rood and Colton Rood.


Atlanta JournalConstitution I can't believe the newstoday. I'd like to close my eyes and make it go away,How long must we sing this song?   (U2- Bloody Sunday)

Rude Awakening.

I am a year his senior. We traveled the same roads. Now he walks with angels.There but for the grace of God go I.

Rick Rude was anything but...rude.

In any circle of friends and phonies you take the good with the bad. And the bad makes you appreciate the good even more.

At the height of my road days, when 300 fights in 300 towns/year was normal,   strangers became family and family became strangers. You can't pick your family but you can pick your friends. Rick Rude was one of the best picks I ever made. He was a real friend.

It's not easy to make a bunch of road weary toughians laugh but Rick did. He always put a smile on my face and everybody else's. He got a big kick out of my drawings so this one's for him, 'cause I think he'd like it.

He was a great family man. He loved his wife. He was one of those kind of guys who never took his wedding ring off. He put a white piece of tape around it when he went into the ring. He was the kind of guy that when you needed someone to back you up, he wouldn't flinch at all. Not for money. Not for anything.

When McMahon and his sidemen barged into the dressing room in Montreal, Rick was there. He was one of the guys who refused to budge. Refused to allow me to be put in a compromising position. Rick Rude stayed there to make sure my back was watched.

There were -- and are -- some people who think the whole thing that happened between McMahon and I was a hoax.

Rick was the one who called Eric Bischoff and said 'I was there. I was in the room and this is what happened.

When I was forming new business relationships in WCW, Rude's call protected me and saved me from a lot of doubt because even Eric Bischoff had to question whether this was a setup or not. I was always grateful to Rick for making that call and for being with me in the room that day.

You statisticians, be sure to note that Rick Rude is the only guy who managed to appear on both Raw and Nitro at the same time -- because Raw was taped in advance on the night Rick showed up for a live Nitro and told the world that what McMahon did to me was real and wrong.

I'd like to think Rick was defending me-and he was-but what he was really defending was 'time honored tradition.' The irony is that at the height of his popularity Rick's Ravishing character, the sexy playboy with the gyrating hips, caused a stir with some conservative viewers, which Rick actually found amusing and took as a compliment because it was sort of like being compared to

Elvis on Ed Sullivan.

With overt sexuality accepted (by some but not by me) in wrestling today it's hard to believe that Ravishing Rick was a controversial cutting edge character only a few years ago. The difference is that Rick did it with class. With taste.

Your kids could watch him. Mine did. They looked up to Rick Rude as a great wrestler and when he came to visit our house they found out he was also a great man.

When my oldest son, Dallas, was a little kid his mean imitation of Ravishing Rick couldn't be beat.

I don't know if there's any great cosmic reasoning that can help a kid understand why dad is in another place   I only know that while he was here, Rick Rude was a great role model to his kids, to kids around the world, and to those who forgot that how you play the game is more important than winning it. But make no mistake about it, Rick Rude was a winner.

Rick was World Class Heavyweight Champion in the southern U.S. when McMahon signed him at the height of the 80s wrestling boom.

He was a successful Intercontinental Champion during a hot feud with the Ultimate Warrior which culminated in a World Title cage match at SummerSlam 90. Rude lost.

He went to WCW and held the U.S. title, beating a feisty, up and coming guy then known as 'Stunning' Steve Austin. No doubt Stone Cold learned a lot wrestling against Ravishing Rick that day.

And... Rick Rude beat The Hitman the only time I ever fought him .(Italy, 1989). I was making the transition from tags to singles and I don't know if it was that Rick wanted to see what I had or show me what I needed. I always knew he was tough but that's the day I found out that he always gave 110% no matter how small the town or if the cameras weren't rolling. Ravishing Rick Vs The Hitman is one of those rare lost classics.

The 'lost classics'. Brian. Kerry. Bravo. Adrian. JYD. Studd. Andre....... the list goes on so long it's scary. So many. So young. So talented. So needed. So missed.

I was going to say I'd giveanything to be at the strategy meeting I know they're having but....... I'll stay here and be a "fat, out of shape, sweathog" just trying to do what's right.

And what's right is not to let what they lived for -- and died for-decay any further, until there's no respect left for wrestling's fallen heroes.


I don't believe it's all for nothing,

It's not just written in the sand,


Fallen Angel

Casts a shadow up against the Sun,

If my eyes could see,

The Spirit of the chosen one,


In my dream the pipes were playin'

In my dream I lost a friend

Come down Gabriel and blow your horn

'Cause some day we will meet again

(Robbie Robertson-Fallen Angel)
Rick, I will really miss you.

BRIAN Pillman

Bret Hart's Calgary Sun Column

for October 11, 1997

A lot of guys live for this bizarre business. That might not be their intention but they fall in love with her and by the time love turns to a familiar seductress, they're addicted.

Addicted to the action and the admiration. Accustomed to a lifestyle where the miles behind you in the morning deceive you into thinking you're unaccountable for what you did last night. There's no off season, no time out. Valor gets attached to martyrdom.

You look for ways to endure the physical pain of a broken body and hope you don't become so numb that you end up with a broken spirit.

In the ring you're a superhero and you search down deep inside to make that strength real. It's dangerous to forget that even Superman has his kryptonite.

Guys come into this business with a dream that they'll hang around for a few years and make the quick bucks but then they find out it's Hotel California, "You can check out any time you like but you can never leave." They can't make it on the outside any more. And some die on the inside. Fatalities in the ring are rare. They die, alone, in the little square room they slept in, a thousand miles from what used to feel like home.

Loneliness is a greater pain than all your toughest fights.

The boys and the crew checked out of the hotel near St. Paul last Sunday and each of us traveled all the way to the building (arena) in St. Louis before anyone asked, "Where's Brian?". We didn't even know we'd left him behind.

It's been almost a week since my friend, Brian Pillman, died in his sleep.

It amazes me that fans and reporters are anxiously awaiting the results of the autopsy to find out what killed him. Exactly which pain medicine was it, how much did he take? What weakened the heart of a 35 year old athlete enough so it stopped beating?

Trying to figure out the little details distracts you from having to look at the big picture. The business killed Brian Pillman and it could have been any one of us. That she got Brian is especially sad since he fought so hard at life when he beat cancer as a kid.

And since he left five kids with no father. I don't think it's necessary or appropriate to summarize Brian's life and career in the space of a column.

When my own time comes I hope the reports will say more than just my win/loss record in the ring and that they'll talk more about my wins and losses in life. I've tried to let you all get to know me better than just my stats. I won't insult Brian by reducing him into a bunch of statistics.

Of course he was a dam good wrestler -- he came right out of the infamous Hart family dungeon!

If you want to see the best of Brian Pillman, the wrestler, go and get yourself some tapes of Bad Company or The Hollywood Blondes or how Flyin' Brian fought Ric Flair to a time limit draw years ago.

If you never got to know the best of Brian Pillman, the person, the thing that stood out most, to me, about Brian was his wicked sense of humor. It isn't easy to make a bunch of road weary guys who have "been there, done that" laugh -- and Brian did. Then again, they say clowns have the most pain inside.

The next time someone asks you why you watch wrestling cause that stuff isn't real -- those guys don't get hurt, do me a favor. Tell them those guys do get hurt -- and sometimes they die out there.

Brian left us before his wife, Melanie, could tell him she is pregnant. They say that for each door God closes, he opens another. Brian is flyin' with the angels now. Good bye brother. Leave some passes at the gate.