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Egyptian Pyramids

DID YOU KNOW.......................

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Pyramids are an extrodanary site, but do many people actually know how they were built? It would start at a place down the Nile River where Egyptians could build one block in 2 minutes! And the blocks could weigh anywhere from 2 to 5 tons! After the blocks were built, they would load one onto a boat and send it down(up?) the Nile River to the site of the pyramid., When it got there they would put the blocks on sled like things and pull them on wooden rollers to the pyramid. The wooden rollers had to be kept damp to prevent friction. Now the blocks are at the base of the pyramid......but how do they move them to their place on the pyramid???? Well, they certainly don't use an elevator. But they do use mud brick ramps. They drag them to their place on the pyramid by using a mud brick ramp! Pretty clever huh? Now that you know how they made the don't have to wonder anymore!!!
