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The Deepest Sleep

The sun rose in Colorado Springs, but the town was already awake. Almost all were gathered around Michaela Quinn's clinic. Matthew Cooper and Lillian Cook were inside, as well as Sully and Katie. It was unusually silent for a town that was so used to being alive and buzzing. All that could be heard was the persistent chirping of the birds, and the quiet murmuring of the people outside the clinic.

The silence was suddenly disrupted by the sound of a wagon, traveling extremely fast. Andrew Cook's wagon rounded the corner of the street and stopped as near as it could to the clinic door. Andrew jumped down and then helped Colleen. He grasped her hand and gave her and encouraging smile. Then he began to make their way through the crowd. Quiet murmurs as well as some shaking heads were passed by Colleen on her way to the door. When they finally made their way through the crowd, Colleen wasn't sure she could go in.

"It's probably not that bad," Andrew said, squeezing her hand. He opened the door and they stepped inside.

The minute Colleen saw her brother she ran to him and embraced him. "Is he okay?" she asked, her voice shaky.

"I dunno. Dr.Mike's lookin' at him now," Matthew said, squeezing her tight. His sister had lost so much in her life, not unlike himself. But he was going to make sure they didn't loose Brian.

Colleen bit her bottom lip and moved on to hug Sully. It took all her strength to give a smile to Lillian and she noticed Katie, asleep, in the corner. She then retreated into Andrew's waiting embrace. He gently pushed some hair out of her face, and looked down into her eyes. She tried to pull herself together so Andrew wouldn't see how she was feeling, but when she looked into his eyes, she knew he needed to know how she was feeling, so he could share her pain. Just like I would do for him, she thought.

Micheala was in Brian's room, sitting on his bed. "Oh Brian," she said, "What's wrong with you? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She took one of his limp hands in her own. There was no response from the boy. "You look like you're sleeping," Michaela said softly, "But will you wake up?" She brushed the tears out of her eyes and headed for the door, with one last look at her son.

"Teresa!" Jake called, as he drove up to her house. She came out of the house running.

"Jake? What is wrong?" she asked.

"It's Brian. He's real sick. I thought that since you two seemed like good friends and all..."

"Thank you for coming, I'll be out in a minute," Teresa ran back inside. Jake took the time to look around for the wagon and man he had seen yesterday. There was no sign of them.

"Oh well," he muttered, "Now's not the time." Teresa came out of the house and, although Jake offered her his hand, she got into the wagon herself. Always so independent, Jake thought.

"And so after I finished my studies there I got a job in Denver," Margaret went on, "And then your telegram, or rather add, came and here I am." Preston was hanging on her every word. He was half ashamed and half excited. No one had ever made him feel like this.

"And here you are," he said. Margaret looked at him in an odd way. Come on Preston, he thought, you're looking like an idiot.

"Well I hope you can get to work soon," Preston said briskly, getting up from the table.

"I just got here yesterday! And Dr.Cook hasn't even cleaned his things out!" protested Margaret.

"I don't care," Preston said, "I have guests that need a doctor, and time is money!" He stalked out of the dining room, totally repulsed with himself. What had he just done?

Margaret Thisole looked, in shock, as Preston left. Well it's a good thing, she thought, I can't be getting too close to my boss. But something tugged at her every time she saw Preston. He seemed so rough, cold, and even sometimes cruel on the outside, but she just knew that there was more to him than that. She shook her head and got up from the table as well.

Back outside the clinic the crowd grew smaller, as people went to work and did their shopping. Dorothy and Loren were still waiting by the door when Cloud Dancing showed up.

"Is there any change?" he asked. Dorothy shook her head. Grace appeared with some food.

"Thought you all might be hungry," she said, putting the food down.

"Thank you Grace," Dorothy said, "But I don't think anyone will have much of an appetite until Brian wakes up." Grace nodded and went back to the Cafe. If he wakes up, she thought.

Inside, Michaela came into the examination room. "Ma!" Colleen said, hugging her, "What's wrong with him? Is there any change?"

"I'm sorry Colleen," Michaela said sadly, "There's no change." Colleen looked down and took a shaky breath.

"Can I go see him?" she asked softly. Michaela nodded and Colleen went up to Brian's room.

The sun was peaking through the curtains, and fell on Brian. She thought it looked as if Brian was sleeping in the middle of the day. She softly closed the door and moved to the side of the bed. She sat down gently, trying not to disturb him. She took his hand in hers. She tried to talk, but nothing would come out. "I don't know what to say, or where to begin," she finally said.

"Brian, you're the best little brother anyone could have and...if you don't come back to me...I'll..." she paused to wipe the tears from her eyes. "Remember Ma's weddin'? It was so pretty and we got to act all grown up? Well Brian, I think you should be the first to know. I'm gettin' married to Andrew, Brian! But you probably knew that would happen, like everyone else. Listen Brian, you've got to come back to us...because we have to find out what's wrong with you...and fix it, so you can be in my weddin'," Colleen slowly edged herself onto the bed so she was laying next to Brian.

"Come on Brian," she said, rubbing his arm, "Because I don't think I can get married without you. Brian, you've got to be a big brother to Katie, and you've gotta grow up, and get married. You gotta have kids so I can be an Aunt Colleen. You gotta be an Uncle Brian, you have to do lots of things so stop wasting time," she touched his cheek, "Brian?..." She hugged him as she silently prayed for him to get well.

The Reverend was about to leave the church when he heard a voice. Even though he'd only met her yesterday, he'd know that voice anywhere.

"Timothy, are you going somewhere?" Mary asked.

"Yes, Brian Cooper is sick. I'm going to pray with his family," Reverend Johnson said.

"Is something bothering you?" Mary asked in a concerned voice.

"No," he replied, but the truth was, something was bothering him. How can she tell, he wondered.

"Oh...well I guess I better be going," she said, turning to the door.

"Well, actually, there is something bothering me. I can't help but feel useless every time someone needs me! I mean, look at me. There's not much a blind priest can do!" the Reverend slumped down in a pew.

"That's so untrue!" Mary said, sitting beside him, "You practically know that Bible by heart, you even told me yourself! And what does it matter if you can see or if you can't? That doesn't change what you're saying, does it? It doesn't change the prayer, does it?" Mary took the Reverend's hand.

"Timothy, those people need you, and they don't care if you can't see. So why do you?" she said softly. Reverend Johnson couldn't think of a good reason, and they sat in silence.

Daniel gave an uneasy look at McGunther. "I'll be right back," Daniel said.

"You just take yer time!" grinned McGunther. Daniel gave McGunther one last look as he grabbed his hat and left. The grin on McGunther's face acquired a devilish glint as he pulled out a set of keys from his coat pocket.

"Thank you sheriff," he mumbled as he opened his cell door, "Thank you very much!" McGunther peaked out the door, and when the coast was clear, he dashed away.

Horace and Samantha sat in Grace's Cafe together, eating a late breakfast.

"Daddy," Samantha said, "I'm sorry if I made you angry."

"Samantha!" exclaimed Horace, "I'm not angry at you! I just want to know what's going on."

"Well there's this man," Samantha began, "he and Mommy were friends. But then Mommy wanted him to go away, and he wouldn't. That's when he started hurting Mommy. He sometimes pushed me around, but most of the time Mommy wouldn't let him. She sent me here to be safe with you-but she said I wasn't supposed to tell!" Samantha burst into tears. She ran around the table into her father's arms. Horace soothed his daughter, his jaw clenched tight.

"Don't you worry Samantha, I'll take care of you, and Mommy too," Horace said. Just as soon as I figure out how, he thought.

Hank looked down the hallway carefully to make sure no one was coming. He slowly opened Brian's door, closing it softly behind him. He gingerly sat on a chair next to the bed. "Hi," he said softly, "I guess you know who I am, but all I know is that your name is Brian. I also know there are a lot of people who want you to get better. Guess you should then, huh? Anyway, I just want to get to know ya better. From what everyone else says, you're a real nice kid." Suddenly he heard a noise in the hall.

"Gotta go," he whispered, "Get well soon!" He quietly sneaked back to his own room.

The clouds were gathering in the sky, and the day was getting darker as Andrew stepped outside the clinic. He looked up and down the street for Colleen. After she had seen Brian, she had left quickly. His eyes finally rested on a small figure sitting in the grave yard, and somthing tore at his own heart.

"Oh Colleen," he said softly. He walked over to where she sat, but it was as if she didn't see him. Not knowing what to do, he sat down beside her. She had her arms crossed tightly, so Andrew couldn't hold her hand. He didn't want to put his arm around her, because she seemed to be somewhere where nothing could reach her. Finally, she spoke.

"We've all buried so many," her quivering voice said, "Mothers, wives, sisters, husbands-friends." She looked at the grave of her dear friend Becky. "Some of these people died so young," she turned to Andrew and looked him in the eye. There he saw all her pain and fear-it seemed as though he could see into the depths of her soul.

"Andrew, I'm not ready to say goodbye to Brian. I mean, what if he never wakes up? I'm not ready to bury my brother. I can't!" It was as if the barrier she had put up finally came down. Andrew no longer hesitated to put his arm around her.

"We are not going to do that. We are going to save your brother," he said, putting the emphasis on we.

"But what-"

"We won't let that happen," Andrew said firmly. Colleen looked to the sky for a minute.

"No, we won't," she said firmly, meeting Andrew's eyes, "How did I get so lucky?"

"Well, you have a lucky family," Andrew smiled a little, pleased by the compliment.

"I guess that luck is gonna have to work on Brian now, huh?" Colleen said.

"Yes, it will," Andrew said.

"I just wish it would work faster," she said softly.

"Me too," Andrew said, softly kissing the top of her head.

Matthew came into the main room of the clinic, softly closing the door that led upstairs. Lillian, who had been looking at a book, jumped up when she saw him.

"I was just looking in one of Dr.Quinn's medical books. I know I should have asked. I mean, I'm no doctor but-"

"Really Lillian-it's okay. I think it's real nice that you want to help," Matthew paused, "Where's Dr.Mike-and Sully?"

"They went with the Sheriff to send a telegram," Lillian said. Matthew nodded, sat down, and rubbed his neck. "How's he doing?" asked Lillian as she sat back down.

"No change," Matthew said softly. There was silence in the room for a couple minutes.

"Penny for your thoughts," Lillian finally said. Matthew gave her a small grin, but said nothing.

"How come you never let anyone in, to be there for protect you?" Lillian suddenly asked.

"What?!" Matthew exclaimed. "You're always there for everyone else, but who's there for you?" Lillian asked. Matthew remained silent. "That's what I thought," Lillian said, and quietly left.

Andrew was about to open the door when suddenly, Lillian came bursting out. Andrew even thought he saw tears in her eyes.

"Lillian?" he called.

"Not now Andrew!" she snapped as she stalked away. With one last glance, Andrew stepped into the clinic and found Matthew , who had a depressed look on his face.

"Uh...Matthew," Andrew began.

"Not now Andrew!" Matthew snapped, and he got up and stormed out. Confused, Andrew shrugged and made his way upstairs, to Brian's room. He sat on the chair next to Brian's bed a little awkwardly.

"Hi Brian," he said softly. Andrew gave a grim smile, "Well you're the first person who hasn't snapped at me yet!" Andrew looked around nervously. "Okay Brian, I'm just going to tell you what I think. Well, I think you're the only person who knows this, but Colleen and I are going to get married! So I really need you to wake up for a couple of reasons."

Colleen almost opened Brian's door, but when she heard Andrew, she left it open a crack and listened. "Okay," Andrew went on, "First of all, I'd like to ask your permission to marry your sister-what you think is very important to both of us. Also, we really need you to be at the wedding. You know it wouldn't be the same without you." Andrew paused, and then with a small self conscious grin said, "And of course, you'll have to be there when we-if be an Uncle."

Colleen smiled a little at this and quietly entered the room, unnoticed by Andrew. "And then there's the most important reason," Andrew took a deep breath, "Colleen. You know, it kills me every time I see her in pain. I'd move heaven and earth to make it go away...but it's not up to me this time, it's up to you. Brian, if you don't wake up...well I'm just afraid that I'll-well all of us-we'll loose Colleen a part of Colleen forever."

Colleen gently placed a hand on Andrew's shoulder. He jumped up in surprise. The seconds seemed to tick by as they just stood there looking into each other's eyes. Then, as if on cue, Andrew took Colleen into his arms.

"You're never gonna loose me!" Colleen said.

"I love you Colleen," was Andrew's only reply.

"And I love-"

"Colleen?" Andrew and Colleen pulled away from each other and looked to the door. There was no one there. That could only mean...

"Brian?!" Colleen said in a soft, hopeful voice.

"Colleen?" Brian called more loudly.

"I'm right here Brian!" Colleen said, sitting on the bed and taking his hand in her own. With her other hand she clasped Andrew's. "We're right here," Colleen said again, "And we're not leaving."

Michaela walked to the telegram office and tried to rub the sleep from her eyes. "Hey Dr.Mike! Any news on Brian?" Horace asked.

"No, I'm afraid not Horace. I heard Samantha is here?" Michaela asked. Horace's face grew troubled. Michaela was about to ask if something was wrong when Horace suddenly spoke up.

"Dr.Mike! How could I forget! This telegram came for you!" Horace held out the paper. Michaela took it and read it, a part of her dying with every sentence she read. "Good news I hope," Horace said. Michaela simply shook her head. "Dr.Mike?" Horace inquired after a few moments of silence.

"Well, according to this, what Brian is suffering from has never been heard of. And so, of course, if it's never been heard of, there's.... there's no cure," Michaela's voice trailed off. "I'm going to go check on Brian. I'll see you later. Goodbye!" Michaela dismally walked back to the clinic, to her waiting children, and to her desperate son.

Preston rounded the corner to see Margaret frantically trying to get a hotel buggy. "Look, I'm telling you, I'm the new doctor. Listen buddy, if you don't get me one of those, or at least a horse, some one will die. How do you feel about that?!"

"What seems to be the trouble here?" Preston asked. Margaret was mildly surprised to see him, but didn't let on.

"Well your smart employees won't give me a wagon!" Margaret said hotly.

"Excuse me sir, why don't you do as our new doctor asks? And don't let this happen again!" Preston's voice nearly made the man jump.

"Yes sir, sorry sir...miss-" the man nodded as he hurried off.

"I could have gotten one myself," Margaret said in an annoyed voice.

Preston tried really hard to ignore the tone of her voice and instead asked, "Where are you off to anyway?"

"Forgive me. It's just that Mrs.O'Neil is having her baby. Her younger son came for me, and I promised the young boy I'd be out as soon as possible. Speaking of that, just what are you doing? You do have a purpose around here, no?" Margaret smiled.

"Right now? Well...I..." Preston stuttered.

"Hm...that's what I thought. Do you want to come?" Margaret asked hopefully.

"Go? With you? Well I-I suppose it would give me a good chance to see you doctoring skills," Preston lied.

"Alright," Margaret said as the wagon drove up, "Shall we?"

Preston tried to help Margaret into the wagon, and to her great surprise she let him. "You know," Preston remarked as they quickly started off, "I really do have a purpose around here."

Margaret giggled. "Oh I'm so sure you do!"

"Is that any way to speak to your employer?" Preston asked, but he was smiling.

"Oh yeah boss? We'll see which one of us faints when that baby comes into the world," Margaret said laughing. Soon, Preston joined in, and for yet another time since she had arrived, things felt so...right.

Michaela walked up to the small crowd of people outside the clinic. "Michaela! Did you get an answer to that telegram you sent?" Dorothy asked.

"Yeah Dr.Mike, any good news?" Loren asked.

"I'm afraid it's bad. The...illness...which is affecting Brian is unknown as of yet," Michaela said quietly.

"Well what does that mean?" Loren asked, "Can't you give him some medicine? Ain't there nothin' you can do?"

"Loren, there's no cure!" Michaela snapped, "I'm sorry. I'm just too tired. It's getting late. Why don't you go home and get some rest-everyone." Slowly and reluctantly, everyone left.

Michaela took a deepbreath and opened the door. Colleen was excitedly speaking with Matthew as Andrew and Lillian watched, grins on their faces. Even Sully was laughing and playing with Katie. How can I tell them, Micheala briefly wondered.

"Ma!" Colleen exclaimed, finally noticing Michaela standing in the doorway. She ran into her mother's arms saying, "He woke up!" Michaela tried to smile but gave up and gently pushed Colleen away.

"Colleen, I'm afraid I've got some bad news. Colleen unconsciously backed away from Michaela.

"Bad news?" she questioned, fear overtaking her joy and gripping her heart. Michaela could think of no easy way to say it so she simply said, "There's no cure for what Brian has." The room fell into a shocked silence. Colleen nearly fell into a chair and Andrew placed his hands on her shoulders. Lillian slipped her small hand into Matthew's larger one.

"Michaela?" Sully questioned.

"No one has ever heard of what Brian has, so of course there's no cure..." Michaela trailed off.

"Someone will have to tell Brian," Matthew said in a hoarse voice.

"We should all tell him," Colleen softly said. Michaela looked at Colleen, her eyes filled with worry.

"Perhaps it would be better if we told him tomorrow," Michaela suggested. When no one said anything, she went on. "Andrew, perhaps you'd be so kind as to take Colleen home?"

"Sure," Andrew said, gently pulling Colleen to her feet.

She embraced Matthew and whispered in his ear, "Kiss him goodnight for me." Then she and Andrew left.

"I'm going over to see Loren. Matthew, aren't you going home?" Michaela asked.

"Matthew shhok his head, "I think I'll stay a while." Michaela nodded and left the clinic as well.

Jake gently stopped the wagon outside Teresa's house. He looked around for some sign of the man he had seen the other day. Finding none, he decided to take a chace and ask Teresa.

"There's something I need to know..." Jake began.

"Jake," Teresa said, taking one of his hands, "Please do not ask me to do something I can not do."

"But Teresa-"

"Not now. Now we must pray for Brian. Goodnight Jake," Teresa said, getting out of the wagon. He waited until she put on a light.

"Goodnight Teresa," Jake said, then drove off into the darkness.

Michaela took a deep breath of the cool night air. The moon was full, the stars were shining, yet Michaela was slightly angered by this. How could everything go on when Brian was...

Michaela looked over at the Loren's store. Loren was sitting on the steps, holding something in his hands, and staring off into space. Michaela slowly made her way over to him, totally unnoticed by Loren. It wasn't until she was directly in front of Loren that he even realized she was there.

"Oh! Evenin' Dr.Mike," he said.

"Good evening Loren. Mind if I sit?" Michaela asked. Loren paused a second, then gave a relenting nod. They sat in silence for a few minutes. Finally, Micheala said, "Loren, did you hear? Brian woke up!"

"I heard!" was Loren's sharp reply.

"Well I was just wondering, becuase I thought perhaps you'd stop by..." Michaela trailed off and again there was silence. Finally Loren uncovered what he had earlier been holding; it was a photograph of Marjore.

"She was some woman, your sister," Loren said in a strained voice.

"Yes, she was," Michaela said softly.

"Died before her time, she did. Course when Maude died, it was her time. But you know Dr.Mike, lots of people die before their time. Take my Abigail and her child. And what about Colleen's friend? Becky was ehr name, right? And then there was that other young boy. Even your father Dr.Mike," Loren said.

"Yes, but Loren, my father did live a full life," Michaela reasoned.

"That's exactly my point Dr.Mike. What about the people who don't live a full life, like Anthony? What if..." but Loren couldn't go on, and Michaela wasn't about to.

"I won't let him die Loren. Besides, we don't know if it'll get worse or even what it is!" Michaela paused, "I miss her too Loren, but I have to think of other things. You need to try Loren!"

"What can I possibly think of that won't remind me of her!?" Loren exclaimed.

"I don't know Loren, but I do know that there's a scared little boy upstairs in my clinic. You're the closest thing he's ever had to a grandfather, and he's the closest thing you've ever had to a grandson. I also know how much love and support he needs right now, and how much it would mean to him if you could just go to him and let him know you're here for him," Michaela said.

There was silence yet again between the two. Then Loren got up and started to walk away. "Loren?" Michaela called.

"I think I'm gonnna go visit Brian," he said gruffly.

"Well you do know he's sleeping, right Loren?" Michaela asked.

Loren's voice softened as he said, "That's okay Dr.Mike, guess I'll go later." He turned around and sat next to her.

"He'll still be there," Michaela said.

"I know," Loren said, patting her arm.

The O'Neil's door opened and Margaret and Preston came out. "That was...incredible!" Preston said.

"That's how I feel every time I deliver a baby-or help deliver a baby!" Margaret laughed.

"What's so funny?" Preston asked, yet there was a smile on his face.

"Nothing!" she giggled. They walked over to the buggy.

"Come on! Tell me!" Preston pleaded. Margaret threw her bag inside and leaned her back against the wagon.

"Well, it's just that I thought for sure you'd faint when that baby came into the world!" Margaret said, poking him.

As she laughed, all Preston could think about was how beautiful she looked in the moonlight. He gently took her hand. Margaret looked up from their hands into his eyes, and stopped laughing.

"Preston?" she said. He gently lowered his face to hers. What's going on, thought Margaret. Yet when his lips met hers, she did not resist.

Reverend Johnson quietly walked into the church. He had heard someone inside-or at least he thought he had. Suddenly he heard the voice again. He was about to call out when he recognized the voice. It was Mary. He knew it was wrong, but he listened to what she was saying anyway.

"...and he's a man of God too! Oh Lord, I've always tried to do good in your name. Now, can't you please help me? Shall I leave and go back to what I've always done? Or shall I stay and..." she broke off suddenly.

Reverend Johnson stood in shock as he listened to her go out the back door. Could Mary possibly fell about him the way he felt about her?

Lillian slowly opened the door to Brian's room. There he is, she thought when she saw Matthew. "I've been looking everywhere for you. I was getting a little worried," she said softly. Matthew looked up at her and nodded. There was silence.

"Well I guess I'll leave you two alone," she softly said, heading for the door.

"Lillian?" Matthew called softly. She looked back and saw that he had pulled up another chair next to his own. "Would you stay?" he asked.

"For Brian's sake?" she questioned.

"And me," Matthew replied. She could only nod and sit beside him. He took her hand in his and squeezed it. "Thanks," he softly said.

"Goodnight Sam!" Horace said, trying to be cheerful while tucking in his daughter.

As he turned out the light, Samantha asked, "Dadddy, are we ever gonna go see Mommy again?" Horace looked into his daugher's big, round eyes.

"As soon as I find someone to do my job for me, I'll-we'll go find Mommy," Horace said.

"Promise?" Samantha asked.

"Promise," Horace said, trying to look brave, "Now get a goodnight's sleep!" He turned out the lights and went to his own room. Unable to sleep, he prayed for his former wife and vowed to find her.

As Colleen and Andrew rode on in silence, Andrew looked over at her. "Colleen!" he exclaimed, "You're crying!" She brushed the tears out of her eyes and looked away as Andrew stopped the wagon.

"Colleen?" Andrew said, turning towards her.

"Andrew, everything bad that could ever happen to my family has!" she said.

"Yes, well many good things have happened to!" he insisted, "You said yes to me!"

"That's another thing. I don't know if I can marry you!" Colleen said, looking away again.

"What?! Why?" Andrew exclaimed.

"Well what kind of wife will I be Andrew, look at me!" Colleen said, turing back towards him.

"Colleen, Brian is very ill, you have a right to be this way," he slowly put his arms around her.

She hugged him tightly. "I know! I love you Andrew, it's just that I feel like I'm using you. You've always been there for me, and what have I ever done for you?"

"Colleen, I told you, seeing you in pain puts me in pain. Colleen, I'm there for you because I love you, and I know you'd do the same for me!" Andrew said.

They were about to kiss when suddenly a voice in the darkness said, "Well ain't this cute?" Andrew and Colleen pulled apart.

"Who's there?" Andrew called.

"Git out of the wagon!" the voice boomed.

"What? Who are you?" Andrew called again. Suddenly a gunshot was heard. Andrew looked at Colleen in alarm, but she was fine physically. Andrew noticed she was terrified and shaking0-about the same way he felt.

"Well next time it might just hit you! Now git down!" the voice ordered one last time.

To be continued in the third part of the series!