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Issue 7 Reviews

Ampline – The Choir

Tiberius Records

4280 Catalpa Dr.

Independence, KY 41501


This is an instrumental CD put out by 4 guys from the Kentucky area.  None of their songs have vocals, which is kind of cool, if you’re into that sort of thing.  It’s basically some good ole, down home rock n roll music.  I can also sense a hint of bluegrass in there on some parts, just a little bit faster.  All in all, if you’re into the instrumental side of music, this is worth checking out.


Antifreeze – Four Letter Words

Kung Fu Records

PO Box 3061

Seal Beach, CA 90740


Another great CD put out by Kung Fu Records.  Antifreeze is the kind of music you keep hearing around nowadays.  Words like pop punk, bubblegum punk are too easily thrown around, but these guys basically do it pretty fast, and its usually about girls or relationships.  Bankruptcy and The Ides are by far the best on the album.  This one is worth getting if your CD collection contains The Ataris or Blink 182.


Avoid One Thing – S/T

Side 1 Dummy Records

6201 Sunset Blvd, Suite 211

Hollywood, CA 90028


Hailing from Boston, Avoid One Thing put forth some straight up rock and roll.  Put together from Joe Gittleman of Mighty Mighty Bosstones fame, this quartet does 11 tracks that will put you in good spirits.  With witty lyrics and snappy riffs, this one is worth a risk.


The Casualties – Die Hards

Side 1 Dummy Records

6201 Sunset Blvd, Suite 211

Hollywood, CA 90028


The Casualties have been around since the early 90’s and put out some rather, uh, rough hardcore.  The seem to have cleaned up their act on this release, it’s a little more melodic than most Casualties fans are probably used too, but the majority of their music is straight up NYC HC.  It’s much better than their older shit, which is shit in my opinion.  If you like snotty in-your-face hardcore, than this will be your bouquet.


Flogging Molly – Drunken Lullabies

Side 1 Dummy Records

6201 Sunset Blvd, Suite 211

Hollywood, CA 90028


Wow, what can I say?  Flogging Molly is the shit.  12 Tracks of fast, unadulterated Irish punk rock.  I’ve heard Flogging Molly compared to the Dropkick Murphy’s quite a bit, but I don’t really see the resemblance.  The CD kicks off with the title track and blazes thru the rest, barely slowing down.  Great drinking music.


Floyd – And Out Come The Teeth

Fat Wreck Chords

PO Box 193690

San Francisco, CA 94119


I got this for free at the Fat Tent at the Warped Tour last year (shows how often we put out our zine, eh) It has 10 tracks from bands you probably know, Good Riddance, Hi-Standard, No Use For a Name, etc, and a NOFX song from the Surfer 7”.  I’m really not too sure if you can find this anywhere, but nothing on it is rare, so you’re really not missing out.  If you got it, good for you.  If not, maybe I’ll sell it to you. 


Glasseater – 7 Years Bad Luck

Fearless Records

13772 Goldenwest #545

Westminster, CA 92683


Another well, hardcore band finds its way into my hands.  Glasseater reminds me of Sick of it All, with the high-energy music and fast lyrics.  But it seems like they dumb the lyrics down a little bit.  Maybe it’s just me.  You’re really not missing out on much, unless you’re a big fan.  Of course, if you’re a big fan, you probably already have this CD, now don’t ya, tough guy?


Kill Your Idols – Funeral For A Feeling 

Side 1 Dummy Records

6201 Sunset Blvd, Suite 211

Hollywood, CA 90028


I swear, someone must have said, its time to send these kids a batch of hardcore.  Everyone is sending so much, I’m starting to like it.  Especially Kill Your Idols.  Although the music is quite hard, and loud, at points it was so loud I found myself looking to the insert to read the lyrics.  It makes sense now.  A few of the tracks start off melodic, then after a while they shred.  Pick it up if hardcore is your thing.


Madcap – Stand Your Ground

Side 1 Dummy Records

6201 Sunset Blvd, Suite 211

Hollywood, CA 90028


I really liked this CD, I mean, a lot.  It’s got 12 tracks, which are loaded with intense music and sing along lyrics.  Well, not all the tracks are sing alongs, but they all rock equally.  Downtown, Going on the Road, and Saturday rock the fuck out of this CD.  Some good shit here.


MI6- Lunchbox

Kung Fu Records

PO Box 3061

Seal Beach, CA 90740


Holy shit.  This CD fucking rocks, by far the best I’ve gotten in the entire batch.  The singer sounds a lot like Joey Cape, and I love his voice.  This CD is poppy, and catchy as all hell.  12 Tracks, including Lezbian Girlfriends (my favorite) Mojo and High Life.  This CD has it all.  It hasn’t left my CD player in months, I listen to it daily, I’d venture to say.  Its that good.  Get this CD if you like witty, funny punk rock.


Ozma – Rock and Roll Part Three

Kung Fu Records

PO Box 3061

Seal Beach, CA 90740


This is pretty much an Emo band.  When I first heard their song Domino Effect on the ‘That Darn Punk’ Soundtrack I fell in love.  It’s decent, if you like depressing emocore music.  Not really for me though.  By the time I got to Battlescars, a nearly 9 minute track, I about lost it.  But I really still like Domino Effect.


Thistle – Oxygen EP

Tiberius Records

4280 Catalpa Dr.

Independence, KY 41501


This EP is only 4 tracks, from the 3 piece alt-rock band from Kentucky.  The music is really sincere, so it would seem, the guitar, lyrics and drums seam effortlessly.  I see these guys putting out some good shit in the future.


Useless ID – Bad Story, Happy Ending

Kung Fu Records

PO Box 3061

Seal Beach, CA 90740


Ok, I had a joke, but I’m not going to say it, I’ll just do the review.  The four piece from Israel (that’s what the joke was about) put forth 15 tracks about friends, jerks and logic.  Seems fair enough.  They did a split with the Ataris a while back, which is also good.  Useless ID are funny, poppy and all around good guys.  Not that I know them, but hey, the like falafel, I like falafel.  I think I’m in love.


Warped Tour 2001 Compilation

Side 1 Dummy Records

6201 Sunset Blvd, Suite 211

Hollywood, CA 90028


Side 1 puts these out every year, usually with live releases of the bands that play at the warped tour.  You’ve probably heard of most of the bands, Rancid, Anti-Flag, Bouncing Souls, Vandals, yadda yadda yadda .  The good thing about this release is it has a lot of unreleased shit on it from bands like Buck-O-Nine, No Use For A Name, The Living End, Swinging Utters, and more.  Plus, it’s only, like, 10 bucks probably, or you could steal it from a friend.


Issue 6 Reviews


A New Found Glory -S/T

Drive Thru Records

PO BOX 55234

Sherman Oaks, Ca 91413


The latest CD from this punks. They keep getting better and better as I listen to them. I like this band so much you wouldn’t believe it. If you don’t have any CD’s by these guys you need to get with the program. See the reviews below for more on this band.


A New Found Glory -Nothing Gold Can Stay

Drive Thru Records

PO BOX 55234

Sherman Oaks, Ca 91413


These guys kick ass. 12 Tracks on this bad boy with some really witty commentary on the last track. This is the kind of shit that I can just pop into my brand spanking new car CD player and just drive. Very catchy songs and lyrics. I’m telling all my friends to pick this fucker up, you should too, you won’t be disappointed.


A New Found Glory From The Screen to Your Stereo

Drive Thru Records

PO BOX 55234

Sherman Oaks, Ca 91413


Okay, this CD is the shit. 7 Cover songs on it. Why did they do it? Who the fuck knows, but I’m glad they did. They do awesome renditions of “That Thing You Do” “The Never Ending Story Them Song” “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” “The Goonies R Good Enough” “The Glory of Love” “Everything I Do, I Do It For You” and “My Heart Will Go On” If you like cover songs pick this little nugget up.


Algorythms- When You Grow Up / Stinking Hard

Norway Records

Gjerdesteinvn. 9
3261 Larvik


I like these guys, the CD only has 2 tracks, but their lyrics are really thought provoking, and the music is really melodic. This is stuff I like to pop In and hear on a daily basis, I just wish the CD had more music on it. When does the full release come out? Pick it up kids.


Allister -Dead Ends and Girlfriends

Drive Thru Records

PO BOX 55234

Sherman Oaks, Ca 91413



WHOA! This CD fucking rocks, that’s all that really needs to be said here. Some blazing pop punk from these kids, they even rip up they’re own unique version of “Fraggle Rock” but they punked it up a little. Sweet. I’ll be sure to pick up all future releases.


The Ataris / Useless ID -Let It Burn

Kung Fu Records

PO Box 3061

Seal Beach, CA 90740 

The Ataris have a knack for writing songs about girls, I love em, they also put some of the tracks that didn’t make it onto Short Music for Short People on here, plus some other stuff they didn’t have anywhere else to put it. Useless ID are from Israel and they kick some ass too. This one is worth a whirl, Awesome shit on here.

Dashboard Confessional -The Swiss Army Romance

Drive Thru Records

PO BOX 55234

Sherman Oaks, Ca 91413


A really mellow band. This is some good shit to listen to if you’re all depressed and shit, cuz it won’t make you all suicidal. A lot of light guitar and aurally pleasing vocals. I like listening to this kind of shit when I’m drunk cuz it makes you think you can sing along when your voice really sucks like mine.


The Distillers- S/T

Hellcat Records

2798 Sunset Blvd.

Los Angeles CA 90026


I like this CD first and foremost because of their name, as anything to do with booze or drinking is cool in my book. I never heard their stuff until I got this, but the CD rocks. 14 Tracks on this bad boy and the singer(s) have very pleasant voices. Fast riffs and heavy beats complete the CD, plus she curses a lot, and that always makes me a little randy. I’ll be sure to pick up their future releases.


The Dwarves-“Come Clean

Epitaph Records

2798 Sunset Blvd.

Los Angeles CA 90026


Any band that would purposefully kill off a band member “cuz it was the punk rock thing to do” rocks!! These guys are always funny, they’re kinda poppy, kinda punky at times, they really don’t fit into any category, unless there’s a pervert punk kind of genre. I hopped on the Dwarves bandwagon as soon as I heard “Everybody’s Girl” on Punk o Rama III. Be sure to pick this one up kids.


Ensign-For What It’s Worth

Nitro Records

7071 Warner Avenue
Suite F736
Huntington Beach, CA 92647


Another release from these hardcore punks. The CD only has 4 tracks on it but they all kick ass. I didn’t really like their first release but this one keeps growing and growing on me. Pick it up if you’re into some good hardcore.


The Forty Fives -Get It Together

Ng Records (now apparently Artemis records and I can no longer find this band listed on their site))


This is the kind of CD you want to put in when you’re driving. The songs are pretty mellow, not too fast, but good beats and smooth lyrics round out the CD. I wouldn’t classify this as punk, or even pop punk, maybe it’s not supposed to be, I actually don’t think it is, so if you like some easy listening and hate commercial radio like I do the Forty Fives just might be your thing.


The Frantics -It’s Casual

Trend Is Dead Records

18 Harwood Place

Bloomington, IL 61701


Wow. This thing is great. Fast, catchy punk rock from South Carolina. This 9 Song vinyl nugget has stayed in my record player for some time now. I’d never heard of the Frantics before, but from now on I’ll be sure to pick up all their shit. This is some really good punk rock kids.


The “Gone With The Wind” of Punk Rock Samplers

Kung Fu Records

PO Box 3061

Seal Beach, CA 90740


Another great comp from the folks at Kung Fu. This line up, like most others includes the Ataris, The Vandals, Josh Freese, Apocalypse Hoboken, Bigwig, Assorted Jelly Beans, MxPx, Useless I.D. and Antifreeze. Just like any comp this is a veritable cornucopia of good shit.  


The International Noise Conspiracy -Survival Sickness

Burning Heart Records

Box 441

701 48 Örebro



Now this is some old school punk rock, let the late 60’s early 70’s live. You’ve probably heard of Refused, after the singer Dennis Lyxzen left them he headed up this little nugget of masterpiece. This is some good shit, but you’re gonna have to buy it, don’t take my word for it.


Josh Freese -The Notorious One Man Orgy

Kung Fu Records

PO Box 3061

Seal Beach, CA 90740


Oh man oh man. This thing is more than awesome. If you’re not familiar with Josh Freese you’re either a zit faced junior high schooler or never heard of the Vandals, so go hurt yourself right now. The entire thing is done mostly by Josh, drums, guitar, vocals, everything. Fast, funny, furious. I don’t know what I’d do without this CD it’s so good. 11 Amazing tracks and what seems like a funny phone call on the first track, damn this thing rocks.


Junction 18 -This Vicious Cycle

Fearless Records

Fearless Records

13772 Goldenwest #545

Westminster, CA 92683


Its poppy, and it doesn’t have the blandness and repetitiveness of Blink, Fenix TX, bands who only sing about girls and masturbation. Not that girls and masturbation are bad, but it’s nice to have a change. That’s where this CD comes in. It’s really melodic and thought out well. I really like it and so do the Japanese girls.


Lagwagon -Lets Talk About Leftovers

My Records

PO BOX 41730

Santa Barbara CA 93140


Lagwagon is one of those bands that you love or hate. I love them. This sucker is 25 tracks of songs from comps, unreleased etc. Lagwagon always makes me want to drink. I love this CD. If you’re like me, and I know I am, you’re gonna go pick it up.


Local Demise -Good Morning Ewing

Demise Records


We saw these guys at a show in July and they were really good, a local NJ band, they got fast riffs, good old fashion punk rock. Something the kids will like, a lot of angst and pent up frustration. I hope these guys make it. The CD we got only had 6 tracks and it was on a CDR but hey, it was five bucks and the wife and I are millionaires. Pick this up if you can find it, or ask me for a copy.


Lonely Kings -What If?

Fearless Records

13772 Goldenwest #545

Westminster, CA 92683



This is some of that new poppy emo stuff that’s out there. Does that make sense? Cuz emo is kind of depressing, at least to me. But this is kind of different, they pick it up on most of the tracks and make it very pleasurable. These guys are alright tho, some good tracks on here.


Midtown -Save The World, Lose The Girl

Drive Thru Records

PO BOX 55234

Sherman Oaks, Ca 91413


Another kick ass band on Drive Thru Records. Lots of good punk rock on this release. Witty lyrics and catchy riffs complete the CD. 12 tracks in all, this thing just fucking rocks. Pick it up.



Osker -Treatment 5

Epitaph Records

2798 Sunset Blvd.

Los Angeles CA 90026


These kids are awesome. They’re young, the singer has a snotty voice which I love. Very angry shit here, these guys are up and coming man, check them out. 18 tracks on here, Epitaph got themselves a good little band here. I’d like to see them put out some more stuff, cuz I’m really looking forward to hearing it. It’s different from the mall punk that’s being shit out now.


RX Bandits -Halfway Between Here and There

Drive Thru Records

PO BOX 55234

Sherman Oaks, Ca 91413


A nice little ska punk band, the song What If kicked my ass, these guys put a lot of energy into their music, so it really rocks. They kind of have a Less than Jake feeling to them, only a little bit harder. Nontheless it’s an awesome CD. What are you waiting on?


Vandals -Fear Of A Punk Planet (Re-Issue)

Kung Fu Records

PO Box 3061

Seal Beach, CA 90740



This is your basic Fear of a Punk Planet CD with 4 extra tracks. The Vandals are well known for putting out quality punk rock. The song Shi’ite Punk fuckin rocks as does their nifty little rendition of “Kokomo” God damn these kids rock. Even if you have the original, you probably want to pick this up for the extra tracks.


The Vandals -Look What I Amost Stepped In

Nitro Records

7071 Warner Avenue
Suite F736
Huntington Beach, CA 92647



The Vandals always put out good ol fashioned punk rock music, and this release is no different. They take their witty lyrics and quick riffs and melt it all together for another awesome CD. You can never go wrong with the Vandals, pick this fucker up!


Vandals -Oi to the World (Re-Issue)

Kung Fu Records

PO Box 3061

Seal Beach, CA 90740



Just like above, a re-issue, just before the holidays. Not really. 13 Christmas greats and it’s not just for Christmas!! Funny ass tracks, Oi to the World, Christmas time for my Penis, Hang Myself from the Tree. I always hoped somebody would do something like this. One fantasy complete, now I just have to work on the threesome.


World Warped III Live

Side 1 Dummy Records

6201 Sunset Blvd, Suite 211

Hollywood, CA 90028


I missed the warped tour this year, but the CD gave me a good idea of what I missed. Fuckin rain out at Randall’s Island NY my ass. I just wish those shit bands wouldn’t be a part of Warped. Papa Roach, Lit, shit like that just needs to go away for a very long time. I’d rather listen to metal. Good CD tho, all the faves are here, Dropkick Murphy’s, NOFX, Less than Jake, Anti-Flag, Pennywise, etc.