Disturbing Behavior


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This upcoming movie looks like it will be a good one. In Cradle Bay, the teenage success rate rises above the normal. There is no drunk driving, drug overdoses, or suicides. The teens are busy with wholesome activities like bake sales, community service and making the grade. But the new kid, Steve, meets up with town outcasts Gavin and Rachel, who are suspicious of their peers’ Disturbing Behavior. The school psychiatrist has convinced the parents of Cradle Bay that a surgical procedure is the answer to their teenagers’ bad habits. And Steve’s parents are just one meeting away from agreement.


Well, I saw the movie and I thought it rocked! I'd classify this more as a Sci-Fi thriller, rather than horror. Instead of lots of shocks and suspencful events, this movie is just one long suspence ride. The acting was decent and the characters were cool. I really liked the

part, when the kids are talking out the groups that sit in the cafeteria.

The only problem I had with this is that the trailers showed the machine. It's been better if you didn't know exactly how the kids were changing, but other than that it was pretty cool. I recommend this movie to all thoose who like a scary movie, with a Sci-Fi twist, or anyone who likes movies in general.


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