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Season Two Episode List

Episode 1
Part 1: Beard to be feared As Dex and Dee-Dee watch the "Action Hank" show Dex resolves to be more rugged and straps himself in the beard-o-tron. He finds himself battling a bunch of villians and the real Hank arrives to save the day. A great episode! Shining moment: ! Dir: G.T.

Part 2: Dial M for Monkey: Quakor the foul Dex and Mandark's pets battle by night, all vocalisations by the hard-working Frank Welker. It's always good to see Mandark, a great job storyboarding as well. A story with so little dialouge is a real challenge. Shining moment: Frank Dir: G.T.

Part 3: Ant pants Dee-Dee gets a tour of an icky ant colony from the inside.

Episode 2
Part 1: "Mom and Jerry" Dexter is attempting a brain transplant between Monkey and a mouse. Monkey however, has other plans, so he slips his part of the equipment on Dexter's head instead, putting Dexter in the mouse's body. Through a mishap, Dexter the mouse finds himself in the kitchen, where he is spotted by his mother. What follow is all the ways his mother tries to get rid of the mouse. Eventually, Dexter finds his way back to his lab to change back. Unfortunately, just as he's ready to perform the switch, DeeDee brings in a cat.

Part 2: "Chubby Cheese" The family goes to Chubby Cheeses so the kids can have fun and the parents can be "forever young". Dexter hates it. During an amusing animatronic music number, Dexter loses his glasses...and he looks interesting without them. Dex and DeeDee then go to the arcade area. They play "Whack the Weasel", but Dexter is awful at it. But he really wants to win enough tickets to get a stuffed "MONKEY!" so he creates a device (in his ever handy portable laboratory) to slow down the machine so he can win. Evil employees of Chubby's grab Dexter and try to force him to give them his technology. He refuses. DeeDee rescues him.

Part 3: "That Crazy Robot" DeeDee accidentally starts up a robot in Dexter's lab. The robot is grateful and agrees to be her personal slave. It helps her dress, brushes her hair, etc. It goes to school with her and causes all sorts of trouble. When Dexter is mean to DeeDee the robot prepares to shoot him, but DeeDee saves him at the last second. Dexter then becomes her personal slave. He helps her dress, brushes her hair....

Episode 3
Part 1: "D & DD" Dexter and three other kids are playing the role-playing game "Monsters and Mazes". Dexter is the Game Master (the one who runs the game, for all you non-gamers :) or as he says "What? You dare defy my whim? I am the Game Master, you are my pawns. I created the world you see before you. I control your fate!" DeeDee interrupts the game wanting to play. Dexter says no, but the others allow her to become the GM. The result is most amusing. There is just too much to describe for this just HAVE to see it!

Part 2: "Hamhocks and Armlocks" The family is on the road when the car breaks down. They go to the local truck stop for assistance. Dexter's Dad accidentally causes the local arm wrestling champion to lose a match. The champion wants revenge. Dexter's Dad finally agrees to an arm wrestling match after the champion is rude to Dexter's Mom. Dexter saves the day by helping Dad win....he makes a robotic arm for his Dad out of parts of trucks.

Episode 4
Part 1: Hunger strikes Dex hates to eat vegetables and blasts himself with gamma rays. The Dexter crew pay tribute to Marvel's "Incredible Hulk" and especially the 70's TV version with the late Bill Bixby. Funny, I thought Krunk was a great look at the Hulk. Shining Moments: "You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry!, the Pink Floyd line from "The Wall", and "You OK?" "Please excuse me." Dir: R.R.

Part 2: The Koos is loose Dom Deluise voices Mikoosalagoopagoop, who looks like an escapee from Saturday Morning, 1974. This one was kind of odd, it felt unfinished. Monkey made a quick appearance, "out of costume". Am I nuts, or does the sandwich scene remind me of Peter Bagge's short story in Weirdo magazine #25, 1989? Look at the page three of "Stretchpants". Warning, not for kids! Shining Moment: Tub of Meeeat! Dir: R.A.

Part 3: Morning stretch Dexter will be late for school! Using a dangerous Time Expansion Helmet, he will acomplish his morning tasks in the blink of an eye, just like the Scalosians. This one had a cool idea, it's the kind of thing I wished for as a kid. The sound and music are exceptionally well done, too bad the payoff was visible miles away. Shining Moments: Biting the milk out of mid-air and "Tarnished! Taaarnished!!" Dir: R.R.

Episode 5
Part 1: DeeDee locks and the ness monster It's Dee-Dee's turn to get the flu, Mom INSISTS that Dex read to her. Dripping Dee-Dee mutates a few familiar stories and it gets real silly. Sining Moments: "Aww, I'm gettin' to it", "I've got to get...back to reading this whimsical tale.." Dir: R.A. & G.T.

Part 2: Backfire The family is about to take the annual road trip in their monsterous 70's station wagon, Dexter adds a drop of antimatter potion to make the trip a bit more bearable. Dee-Dee is mixed up "The Fly" style and she fuses with the car and becomes a pink 1950's sedan. She tears up the streets, mayhem ensues. Shining Moment: "No, not the girly station!" Dir: R.R.

Part 3: Bookem Dexter's status as Library Patron of the Month is threatened by an improperly checked-out book! With Dee-Dee he sneaks into the library "Mission Impossible" style but runs into trouble. An average episode with a great "wacky-running-in-and-out-of-doors" c hase scene, complete with vintage guitar sounds.

Episode 6:
Part 1: "Sister's got a brand new bag" DeeDee is watching "Groove Train" and is entranced by a new dance, which she quickly learns. She then wants to show Dexter. Dexter, of course, wants nothing to do with it. He tries everything to get away from her, including using a freeze ray, going 30,000 feet below sea level in his own personal submarine (it really is a heck of a lab, ya know :) and also shooting into space. DeeDee just keeps showing up though. Finally, Dexter can't take any more so he agrees to watch the dance....and likes it! Here is the music they play every time she dances.

Part 2: "Shoo, Shoe Gnomes" Dexter's precious black boots become damaged during an accident with a nuclear engine anti-matter ray. DeeDee directs him to a book called "Gnowing Gnomes" and shows him how to attract shoe gnomes that will repair his shoes for him. The next morning, his shoes are in perfect condition, but his lab isn't. The gnomes have moved in and won't leave. They like his lab and love DeeDee's feet! DeeDee and Dexter consult the book again, learning the secret to removing the gnomes. Unfortunately, in the process, Dexter's shoe becomes damaged.

Part 3: "Lab of the Lost" While testing his latest experiment, the super duper hyped up hover craft, Dexter ends up flying out of control and crashing. He discovers that he is in the 'old part of the lab', out of communications range with his computer. He finds some of his earliest inventions, and some of his early inventions find him. They are angry at Dexter for tossing them aside for new technology and attack him. DeeDee finds the second hover craft (that Dexter made because he figured DeeDee would break one of them) and takes a ride. She comes to Dexter's rescue, and he realizes that perhaps he should appreciate each invention more before moving on to the next. The most amusing part of this is seeing Dexter flash back to when he was just a baby making his first invention.

Episode 7
Part 1: "Labels" Dexter and DeeDee fight over everything in the know, that age old "That's my chair" "I dont' see your name on it" routine. So Dexter and DeeDee both get labeling devices....and label the entire house, including the dog (which has shown up a lot lately, but I don't remember seeing it much before). One of the funniest parts of this is Dexter's first labeling device...he has his name imprinted on 'brass knuckles' with DEX on one hand and TER on the other. He uses this to label his toaster waffle when DeeDee tries to take it. DeeDee sees the devices, but because it's written backwards (from her point of view) she gets confused: "Retxed? What are you, an idiot? That's not your name!"

Part 2: "Game Show" Dex and DeeDee are contestants on the game show "Sibling Rivalry". They are competing for great prizes...their choice of a "2 ton flying pink pony complete with heart tattoo" or an "XK101 Radioactive Isotopically Driven Extendo-Telescope". Dexter, who has failed to watch the program before, loses to his sister. Just as he decides that he "better go horse proof the lab" DeeDee surprises everyone by choosing the she can spy on Dexter from her room.

Part 3: "Fantastic Boyage" DeeDee is sick (again). Dexter decides to shrink to microscopic size and go inside her to win acclaim by curing the common cold. He is accidentally injected in to the dog instead. Not knowing this, he thinks he has made a great discovery. "Wait a minute. Canine bacteria, parasitic worms, quaffing of toilet water...DeeDee has been infected by a canine virus! What Luck!" Instead, Dex is discovered by the Vet who wins the acclaim for discovering a dog with a human virus...Dexter.

Episode 8
Part 2: "Filet of Soul" Dexter and DeeDee have a new goldfish, who unfortunately dies the first day. When informed by their mother that they are to flush him, they decide to wait and bury it instead. When everyone's gone to bed, Fishy's ghost causes trouble. Dexter captures it in a Ghostbusters-type trap, and they go back to bed. Suddenly, Dexter is awakened by DeeDee calling to him. It seems that the other spirits in the "Sewer Beyond" want Fishy. The bumper is new! DeeDee is playing with two toy pigs in a big mud puddle. She becomes quite filthy. Dexter giggles and says "You're pretty dirty, Sis! To which DeeDee replies "Oh, Dexter. I'm even prettier when I'm clean!

Part 2: "Golden Diskette" This is a take-off of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Find a golden computer diskette and win a grand prize. It includes Dexter singing and being highly confused. This is so surreal, though amusing, that I can only assume that a great lack of sleep or heavy drugs were involved in it's conception.

Episode 9
Part 1: "Snowdown" Dexter is pummeled with snowballs thrown by DeeDee, Snowball Warrior. Dexter complains to his Dad. His Dad becomes crazy, saying how he, as a child, was the true Snowball Warrior...the best there ever was. He trains Dex to be a great snoball thrower, to defeat DeeDee. He keeps going on about how one person ruined his snowball record. It is revealed that it was Mom that threw the fateful snowball. Dexter says that being upset about that after all these years is silly. Everyone agrees and starts laughing. DeeDee says "Yeah, that's almost as silly as Dexter having a secret laboratory in his bedroom!" Mom and Dad ask "WHAT?" Dexter clamps his hand over DeeDee's mouth and says "Nothing, Nothing!"

Part 2: "*Figure Not Included" Dexter wants to be in the "Major Glory Gang" with some other kids, but lacks a Major Glory action figure. When he can't get one from his parents he becomes depressed. DeeDee asks him what's wrong and he replies with that great phrase, "I have no friends and I am totally unpopular." "Duh," replies DeeDee. She chides him for being stupid and not making his own doll. He replies that he would need a laboratory to do that! AHA! Dexter catches on. He makes some really spiffy action figures with highly amazing features, but the kids don't like him anyway. The cartoon ends with the real Major Glory wisking Dexter away due to copyright infringement. Bumper was new! Dexter is reading a book on animal biology. DeeDee cracks some really bad animal jokes.

Part 3: "Mock 5 " Finally, the great Speed Racer take-off is shown as more than just a commercial! Dexter (who looks quite amusing when dressed like 'Speed') wants to race in the "Annual Soapbox Derby down Volcano Mountain". His Dad (who is twice as amusing when dressed and acting like 'Pops') helps him build a great car, the Mark 5. Mandark sneaks into the garage and sabotages the car. DeeDee is hilarious as 'Spritle' and 'Racer D'.

Episode 10
Part 1: "Ewww That's Growth" Dexter is just too small for anything...from getting in and out of bed to riding the new rollercoaster at the carnival. So he decides to make himself grow using what is basically the hightech version of the rack, with amusing results.

Part 2: "Nuclear Confusion " DeeDee swipes Dexter's nuclear core (for his 'Ultimate Reading Lamp') and he must follow her clues to find it before meltdown occurs. DeeDee's choices of clues are rather amusing, including 'the dreaded touchy-feely-neighbor-lady'. Also parodys Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Part 3: "Germ Warfare" DeeDee (and most of the world it seems) is sick again. She is looking for her hanky and in the process infects Dexter's lab. He tries absolutely everything to keep from becoming sick, but eventually DeeDee and her ineptness conquer all of his attempts.

Episode 11
Part 1: "A Hard Day's Day" GASP! It is NOT a fine day for science! This is how Dexter copes with the fact that, as DeeDee points out, the stars are against him.

Part 2: "Road Rash" Dex's parents don't think he plays outside enough so they buy him a bike, which he immediately protests. DeeDee challenges him ("Can't catch me!") so Dexter tries a multitude of things to catch her. This is an amusing take off of the coyote and Road Runner cartoons.

Part 3: "Ocean Commotion" The Family goes to the beach. DeeDee has a new swimsuit (she looks like a mermaid), Dexter has designed a new submarine with which to talk to whales using music, and their parents look like nerds. This cartoon spoofs the Superfriends, Moby Dick, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Little Mermaid and Jacques name a few. My Opinion: This was an episode that had me chuckling the whole way through. Dexter naked, covered in mud with a bird's nest on his head is a most amusing sight. (We get to see a lot of naked Dexter in this episode.) Dexter's attempts at riding his bike are entertaining and in "Ocean Commotion" it is fun to try to find all of the spoofs. An episode that is well worth watching! (even if it doesn't have any Justice Friends....)

This season was to large to put on one page, so I had to continue it on another.
