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Make Penpals

Penpal Links + 2 Special Links

The Kids Shopper (this is 1 of the special links)
The Cyberpal Connection
Penfriend Finder
Sarah's Penpal Page
Stuff for Kids(this is the 2nd of the special links)
Mail Friends
Stacey's Pal Page
Pen Pal Page For Kids
Penpal World
The Pen Pal Page
Club '83

The only penpals site just for people born in the 80's!

Hello! If you have a penpal link e-mail me at Please support our site by ordering your Disney and Ty tag protectors, beanibags, and beanie care kits from Funky Mommy's! Be sure to tell them that MAKE PENPALS sent you so we will receive credit! :))
Two sets of two sheets of Spice Girls stickers for auction. One set of two sheets starting at $20. A set of clear cute stickers for auction starting at $40. If you only want one sheet, please e-mail me and I will give you the price for the kind of stickers you want. If you are interested please e-mail me at
Contest! Answer at least one question correctly and you will be entered in the drawing. If you don't know the answer to one of them, just don't answer that one. There will be 5 winners. Here's the questions:
1. Why is baseball similar to pancakes?
2. What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs in the evening?
Prizes are Tommy Hilfiger, Nike, and USA Gear key chains.
Please e-mail me at and give me the answer(s). Winners will be chosen randomly. Contest ends on November 12, 1998.

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