Hello, lost souls,

and welcome to Chapelsnap's online suicide hotline, the last place people in crisis can turn to before they do the unthinkable, manned by Mayor Wabash 24 hours a day.

(Responses typically take 4-6 weeks).

Your Name:

Your address:

Your dilemma:(Two sentences or less, please)


And wait till I write back to do it!

The Honorable Mayor Wabash

Use the backdoor to Chapelsnap

And if this is not sufficient, talk to God directly.

Why this service was started:

Last fiscal year, Chapelsnap had the highest per capita suicide rate in the nation(approx 1 in 100). Since this service was started we have the best per capita suicide rate in the country (0%). Maybe we're tooting our own horn. Maybe.

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