I'm Lubi Wronskoe!

Why am I talking to you, talking to you?

Cause I'm happy, I'm happy!

Quote of the day:

People ask me : Lubi, why are you so Frigio?

I say: Why aren't you?
A page from my Connections Profile:
Essay Answers:

Try to describe the type of person you might be interested in meeting (either romantically or platonically).

I am interested in meeting anybody. I have no qualms about talking about anything, from the exceedingly controversial to the mindnumbingly mundane. I love talking to people and as they talk I just stare at the back of their throats, as they stammer on endlessly. I pay careful attention to the epiglotis and evaluate their owners accordingly.

Describe your personality.

I am the first and the last. I am all things to all people. I can sing a single note and hold it for nearly an hour. I can put people to sleep and wake people up with a mere sneeze. I can take anything and make it something else. My personality is best described as 'sculptor'

Where have you met most of your current friends? What are they like?

I don't know. They all approached me on the street after one of my impromptu interpretive dances while setting myself aflame. Ususally it's on the subway. What are they like? They use to be their own person, now they are carbon copies of me. Literally. They have black dust all over them.

What type of work do you do and do you enjoy it?

I do nothing and I do not enjoy it.

Favorite pastime? Hobby? Diversion?

My favorite pastime is filling out questionaires.

What kind of magazines/newspapers/books do you read? Favorite authors?

I read my own magazine: Liberty-Flak Jacket, a beat poetry/tatoo magazine that I self publish. My favorite author is me.

What's printed on your favorite T-shirt?

If you think I'm ugly, you should see my dead great grandfather!

What were your favorite toys as a child? What are your favorite toys now?

My favorite toys as a child were blenders and wacky wall walkers. Now, I think twenty foot sections of pvc pipe leave me breathless

Do you collect anything? (e.g. stamps, coins, dust, losers)

I collect unemployment, but never my own.

If you could become any animal on earth, what would you become and why?

I would be a sheep with an outboard motor

What do people notice first about you?

Certainly the phineas gage-like metal pipe in my head.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I would be a thousand feet tall and breathe fire. Either that or I'd like a more supple pelvis.

Describe your favorite place on earth. What makes that place special?

My favorite place on earth is it's molten core. It is special because it's the liquid center of a solid object, just like my spleen!

Have you ever accomplished anything that got your name on television, radio, in a magazine, newspaper, or on the post office wall? What was it you did?

I was nominated for the 1888th annual Bad Nugget competetion. If you don't know what it is, don't ask. But, as a result, I was on CNN in a thong.

Do you belong to any organizations, clubs or teams?

I started the "survivors of the bad nugget competetion support group'. I'm the only member, but i'm looking for joiners. Also, I play handball professionally.

What are some of your lifelong goals? Where would you like to be tomorrow? Where would you like to be in 2 years? In 5 years?

I want to find a time machine that will allow me to bypass this question throughout my life.

Where are you calling from?

I am calling from a computer! Can you BELIEVE it? When I was a kid, you could play "Dodge 'em" on the Atari and THAT was fun! Now, I'm talking to people on this plastic TV box! Can you believe this?

Any additional thoughts? Is there anything about you that the questionnaire didn't cover?

I thought the questionnaire was foolish and easily manipulated. I have had this questionnaire over to my apartment on several occasions, and had my way with it every single time. I always promise to call, but I never do. Won't it ever learn?

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