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I KnoW I spelled his name wrong on this! So STOP telling me! :) Thx. *L*



Innocence Lurks

And You Wanted To Know What I Thought?

This is my Nicolas Cage Page. :) One of my favorite quotes (from "Leaving Las Vegas") is here, and we alllll know it's directed expressly to me *yehhh right*. But here it is. (Click on the words to hear it.)

"It's amazing. What are you? Some sort of angel visiting me from one of
my drunk fantasies? How can you be so good?"

Well, I can dream, can't I?

ANYWAY!! On to the stuff.

Ohhh yeah. Before I forget. Just so I don't get into trouble, please click here to find out about the wav. and other things. Thank you.

Want an autographed shirt? Or a letter? Or a homegrown potato? Write to one of these, and you just might get one. I'm not guaranteeing anything on the potato, though.
Nicolas Cage
C/O VIP Fan Mail Service
P.O. Box 69646
Los Angeles, CA 90069
Nicolas Cage
C/O Annette Wolf, Wolf-Kasteler
1033 Galey Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Nicolas Cage
5647 Tryon
Los Angeles, CA 90068

If these addresses aren't right, don't blame me. "I just tell 'em like I read 'em."

Well. You can continue on through the circus and find yourself a nice pic of Mr. N. Cage, or you can sign the guestbook *see bottom* and leave me a nice priceless heirloom which I will forever treasure. When you're rich and famous I can look back and say, "Oh joy. That rich and famous person signed MY guestbook. *sighhh* How lucky I am." Yeahhhh. I see that happening any time soon. But just sign it. Or... you could be a sweetheart and email me. You know how much I just looooove getting those emails! *cough cough* But send, sign, or continue, do as you choose. You were going to anyway, weren't you?

Click here to continue. Actually, HERE.

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