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May 9, 1953

Invitations sent to: A - - B

Acknowledging :
- - presents - - flowers
- - cards: A - - B
- - letters: - Jaspers a - b
- - - - - - - Knook
- - - - - - - Sardjono
- - - - - - - van Peursem - -
- - - - - - - Wittkamper a - b
This was a wonderful party,
and the documents linked
at the left are not only
incomplete, but reflect the
joy of the day only poorly!
Remember, the Bank contract
called for a waiting period of
three years before we
could get married and the
Bank would allow and
pay for Lony's passage
wheresoever in the
Far East.

After Lony put me on the boat to Bangkok in fall, 1954, we corresponded for two years and then broke up. In 1957, I resigned and returned to Holland on my way to study Geology in Canada;
we met again and decided that we'd better stay apart because of my uncertain future.
We did, however, meet again in 1988 in ...Thailand, where Lony and her sympathetic Frisian husband and three sons lived happily at that time.

One wonders, with Robert Frost, about the road not taken...

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