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I had a dream that you and I,
Kissed the moon and began to fly.
We danced with the sun, greeted the stars,
And made love with the planets from Pluto to Mars.
For a brief moment we clearly could see,
All our past lives and our future to be.
As I awoke my lessons were clear,
And all lingering anguish seemed to disappear.
Total understanding plain knowledge wouldn't allow,
How something so far away could help us now.


When the sun rises to bake the soil,
I will dance.
When the flowers drop and the colors fade,
I will morn.
When the sky greys and the snows fall,
I will rest.
When the snow melts and the Earth blooms,
I will rejoice!

Mortal as I am, I know that I am born for a day, but when I follow the serried multitude of the stars in their circular course, my feet no longer touch the earth; I ascend to Zeus himself to feast me on ambrosia, the food of the Gods.
-Claudius Ptolemy-
2nd century A.D.

Universe is unassuming...whatever Universe is...It makes no proclamations It just Is. Religion is a terrible attempt to piece together something that is whole and holy at Once.
All religions are One.
- William Blake -

Wisdom For the Astrologer

Just what are we to do?
We see that is true.
Yet, science says that it is wrong,
a fiction and a song.
So let our tall tales sing!
Our music freely ring!
As lab technicians try,
To grasp the endless sky.

Saturn Return

Movements of life bounce rhythms of time.
Reflections to live by weighed by the mind.
Torn by extremes midst the ruts that exist.
Groping for answers that shine through the mist.
When everyday problems explode through the soul.
And every day egos upon the dice roll.
To balance the madness, no small task.
To reach for the center far below the mask.
As the circle spins faster the edge of the wheel,
Tears mind of its thoughts and heart of its feel.
'Till nothing is sacred upon which to hold,
To ashes and dust is reduced characters mold.
A final exam unites circles of years.
And out of the closets emerge the old fears.
This test forces one to reach out and fly.
Or hold on to the ruins and let spirit die.
Let spirit extend from the earth to the sky.
Let heart open wide and let out its cry.
Let mind be in silence to hear deep within.
Let love be the master, a new world begin.
-Lari Mangum-

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