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Genesis: The Story of Sodom and Gamera!

1:1And so it came to pass that Godzilla send unto the town of Sodom a monster, 1:2and this monster was known as Gamera. 1:3Gamera went to the house of Lot where he presented Lot with a scroll that told Lot that this evil post-nuclear radiation filled town would be destroyed for its sins. 1:4And the land would be destroyed by Godzilla 1:5and all those who lived in the land would die for their transgressions. 1:6Lot was in awe that he had received this knowledge, 1:7and he was at the same time fearing for his life and the lives of his family. 1:8Lot being a righteous man asked his guest to stay for a brief time so that he and his family could prepare for the long journey that they will soon face 1:9for it is not for the righteous to stand before the judgment of one's city when it is far easier to accept the truth and find a new place amongst the various peoples that populate this part of the world...

Chapter 2!

2:1Being that a visitor had arrived in this town, which was rare in these times, 2:2the word of Gamera's arrival soon spread from every household, through every street, from every person throughout the land. 2:3All knew that the Guardian of the Universe had arrived and all wanted to see if they could make him go away 2:4for in their eyes it was not the job of large turtlesque creatures to pass judgment upon man, 2:5and it definite was not the job of large lizards beings to stomp upon their town and wipe it from the face of the earth...

Chapter 3!

3:1All the men gathered both freemen and slaves, both old and young, both weak and strong 3:2and they planned on ways of driving Gamera from their city. 3:3Gamera must be destroyed so that bad things will not befall those of Sodom. 3:4And they planned, and they planned, and they came to many conclusions that were later rejected and replaced by new conclusions, 3:5and many diagrams were drawn in the sand. 3:6Each and every soul amongst the multitude knew that all this planning and discussing and drawing of diagrams would be in vein 3:7and yet they had to do something for they shall all die whence it was the time for them to die. 3:8And they all knew that they did not feel as if this was the appropriate time for them to leave the material world...

Chapter 4!

4:1Lot and his wife and his daughters did their best to make Gamera feel at home though he was unable to enter the house except for his head. 4:2And with his head inside the small dwelling, Gamera looked at his surroundings and thought that he had indeed found the only righteous people within Sodom 4:3for his hosts gave all unto their guest all their food and water, 4:4they sang songs of praise to the Guardian of the Universe, 4:5they allowed him to join in games of Scrabble, 4:6they made him feel welcome and he was thusly...

Chapter 5!

5:1Darkness descended upon the town and all that could be heard was the distant planning of those who wished that Gamera was gone from this city. 5:2Lot being a just and righteous man said unto Gamera, "If I could find 50 righteous and just men in Sodom, would the town be spared the wrath of Godzilla?"

Chapter 6!

6:1Gamera looked at Lot as if he was peering into his soul. 6:2He looked deep with the soul of the man. 6:3He stared for more time than Lot was comfortable with. 6:4He stared and stared and finally his mouth opened as if to speak, then it closed and he stared more at Lot 6:5and Lot wondered unto himself if he would have been better off keeping his mouth shut. 6:6And Gamera turned slightly as if to look away and turned to look back at Lot. 6:7His mouth opened again as if to speak, but there was no answer. 6:8Lot understood completely and spoke unto Gamera, "If I can find 10 righteous and just men amongst the villagers, would the town be spared?" 6:9And Gamera cast a gaze upon Lot that would have killed the unjust. 6:10And Lot looked upon his own feet and then looked back at Gamera who was his guest 6:11and he realized that there was nothing that could be done to save Sodom. 6:12And to emphasize this point, Gamera opened his mouth ever so slightly 6:13and a beam of divine light shot from it as he moved his head in a pattern that at first confused Lot though when Lot looked upon the wall where the light had struck, 6:14he noticed that Gamera had written a message for all to behold, and the answer was NO!

Chapter 7!

7:1Lot and his family readied themselves for the journey, 7:2and as they did so, the men of Sodom attacked the portion of Gamera that was outside of the house, which happened to be about 90% of him. 7:3They beat Gamera with sticks, 7:4they slashed at him with swords, 7:5the poked at him with pitchforks, 7:6but they could not even draw one drop of blood from the Messenger of Godzilla. 7:7They made a great commotion outside the house of Lot that woke Gamera from his slumber, 7:8and as with all creatures of such magnitude, Gamera is not happy whence he is awaken from his slumbers in such a manner. 7:9Gamera slowly pulled his head out of Lot's home and began to turn and face the gathering of men. 7:10As his head left the door, Lot had enough room to leave his house and confront the unjust in the street. 7:11He said unto them, "Do not bother my guest, and do not awaken him from his sleep. 7:12He has journey long to spend some time with me, 7:13and I would greatly appreciate it if you would all mind your own business and get thyself back to your wives and families for the dawn shall be coming soon 7:14and what would they think if they awoke and find that thou hast not been home?"

Chapter 8!

8:1And the gathering began to mumble amongst themselves 8:2and they had seen the truth in all that Lot had said for Lot was a righteous and just man 8:3and the men of the town knew that he was correct 8:4and that if they returned home after being away all night there would be Hell to pay at the first light of dawn. 8:5So as the mumbled unto themselves, 8:6they slow started to return from whence they came. 8:7One by one the unjust turn to return to their comfy beds. 8:8And Lot returned to his home and continued readying himself for the journey that was to come. 8:9And Gamera returned his head into the rather uncomfortable house where he was a guest 8:10and all was quiet and the world was at peace for this reality had passed into the eye of the hurricane...

Chapter 9!

9:1Dawn arrived without much fanfare. 9:2Lot and his family were prepared to leave the only home they had known, never to return. 9:3Lot spake unto Gamera, "We have made ready and we shall be going whence thou hast removed thyself from yonder doorway." 9:4A chill ran down Lot's back for Gamera was again looking at him, staring deep within his soul. 9:5And then Gamera opened his mouth slightly, turned a bit and closed it as he turned back to look at Lot. 9:6He just stared at the righteous and just man and as he did Lot began to sweat. 9:7And Gamera opened his mouth ever so slightly again and a beam of light shown from the opening 9:8and his mighty head began to move in a pattern yet again. 9:9Lot was not surprised much unlike the first time this happened when he turn to the wall and read, "Don't look back, you can never look back..."

Chapter 10!

10:1Gamera pulled his head out of the doorway, 10:2his legs went into his shell, 10:3and then there were flames and the smell of sulfur as Gamera returned to the heavens. 10:4Lot and his family waved as the divine creature disappeared skyward. 10:5He was gone and now they were alone without so much as a guest to their name. 10:6The only thing that Gamera left behind was the message and they had all read it...

Chapter 11!

11:1And now it became the time of departure and they were all ready to go. 11:2Lot, his wife and his daughters walked out into the streets and began their journey to a land that they did not know. 11:3Every in the town looked from their windows as the four walked down the street, 11:4everyone looked and yet no one said a word, 11:5they just looked. 11:6And deep within their souls they knew that they had not welcomed their quest with open arms, 11:7they had not offered Gamera everything they had owned, 11:8they had not sang songs of praise, 11:9and they had not played games of Scrabble until the wee hour of the morning. 11:10They knew that they had done wrong and they were ashamed of themselves. 11:11And they knew that there is no way that they can right the wrong they have committed for Gamera has left this land...

Chapter 12!

12:1Lot and his family walked for hours upon hours heading in whatever direction their feet took them as long as it was away from Sodom. 12:2After some time though they did not know how long it had been, 12:3they heard the wrath of Godzilla as he roared, 12:4they heard his massive feet as he crushed everything that he stomped upon, 12:5they heard the blast that came from his mouth as they hit the ground, 12:6they could feel the rumblings of the ground, 12:7they could feel the aftershocks, 12:8they could feel the heat of the fires. 12:9And still they walked lest one for Lot's wife just had to know how it would end; 12:10she had to know if everything would be really and truly destroyed by the wrath of Godzilla. 12:11She had to know and she looked backed. 12:12Out of the corner of Lot's eye, he knew what he had done as she was turned into large lifeless puddle of slop. 12:13The daughters knew what she had done for she was but 12 paces in front of them, 12:14and they watched as she was transformed from their mother into something that could fit into a bucket, a large bucket, but a bucket nonetheless. 12:15And of the three that remained, not a one looked backed to see what became of the town that they once called home...

Chapter 13!

13:1And on they traveled for they had no place to return to, 13:2they just had some place to go...