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Chronicles of the Rose Royal Tournaments

Chronicles of the Rose Royal Tournaments

In the Kingdom of AEthelmearc, during the reign of Christopher & Maurya III a challenge went forth unto all armored combattants, to Knights and Squires, noblemen and those who have yet to win renown for their prowess. A series of Grand Tournaments, sponsored by the Ladies of the Rose were to be held. Invitations were issued and those who did not recieve invitation would have to win the right to continue in the lists through open tournaments.

The following accounts were written by Maitresse Yvianne de Castel d'Avignon and these are her chronicles of the Rose Royal Tournaments.

The first tournament: Sylvan Crusades

The second tournament: Crimson Shore

The third tournament: Hare Raising Hounds

The fourth tournament: Honor and Chivalry

The fifth tournament: Summer's End