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Brief biographies on fellow classmates

Find out what they've been doing since High School.

And check out pictures; then and now

Submit Name

and brief biography for listing in directory

Contact Aixa

if you have any information on other classmates

we haven't contacted yet

Billy's Pool Party

And Legna's Party in Virginia

Plus Pictures!

Homecoming 98

The Reunion At St. Augustine

Find out about the AHS reunion and the people from our class who went!

plus pictures!

More Pictures of St. Augustine!

Messages to the Class

Read some of the messages our fellow classmates have written.

Submit your own message if you want to!

Old High School Stories

Read stories of things we remembered from High School!

List of Classmates We Haven't Located Yet

List of Classmates We Have Found So Far

Link to the Antilles High School Alumni Association webpage

Link to the AHS Alumni Homepage

Link to AHS homepage