My Americana Home Page

My Americana Home Page

This land of ours was founded on some powerful principles. Those things should not be forgotten by us. I have some links that will take you to places that will help you to see what a great country we have today because of the founding fathers and their God given insite into how to set things up for our good as a nation. Take a few moments and browse through some of the links that are here. We are a great nation let's keep it that way.

Great Links for You

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
The Bill of Rights
About Our Presidents
Welcome to The Whitehouse
Christ 4U-Great Christian Pages
Our Missionary to Argentina-Rocco DiTrolio
Seperation of Church and State
The Constitution of the United States
Historical Documents
Karpeles Manuscript Mesuem
Town Hall a place to find out what is going on
The Library of Congress
