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All About Jezabel

Hi! People have been emailing me asking about who I am (believe it or not). So I made this page. CLICK HERE to see a picture of me (I look like an elf)! Here's some info about little 'ol me.

Real Name: Serena
Nickname: Keebi (Queen of the Elves)
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 105 lbs.
Birthday: March 18, 1981 (making me 17)
Place of Birth: Cary, NC (suburb of Raleigh)
Place I'm Now Forced To Live: Pittsburgh, PA
Future Plans: I'm going to Westminster College (in New Wilmington, PA...Omish Country!) in the Fall as a French Education major. After that, I'll hopefully become a high school French teacher (boring, huh?)
Stuff I Do Other Than This Web Page: Singing...first soprano (poorly), acting, horseback riding, sleeping, complaining, beating up my boyfriend...out of love! (<---kidding), tutoring French, and a few other things that you probably don't care about.
Music I Like: Almost anything except most country and rap. I'm quite fond of Tori Amos.
General Philosophy In Life: Take me for who I am. I can be open to the ideas and beliefs of others, and I hope others can be open to my ideas and beliefs as well. Even if you don't agree with me, please don't think me below you just because we don't agree. CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!! Okay, I'm gonna get down off my soap box now.

I hope you've enjoyed this little nugget of joy about me I've produced for you. If not, oh well, too late!

Luv, Jezabel

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