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 Two New Doh Players added to the AcroDoh List....Check it out!!!
Do you suffer from a severe case of  BRAIN LOCK  more than 75% of the game? 

Have you ever made it to FACE OFF, only to find out later the room was playing pick the Worst answer? 

Have you ever played in a room that everyone swore you were a kid, even when you told them your true age? 

Was the only time you actually won a Game, a time when your own children helped you with spelling and Answers? 

If you answered YES to any or all of these questions you may want to read my short story of how one overcomes adversity in times of turmoil! (cheat)
Testimony of a Desperate Acrophobe:
  I myself suffer from these unfortunate symptoms. I found myself thinking of a great word for the Acro 10 minutes after the fact and I thought to myself,"Darn it," (yep that's right I said DARN).  "I shoulda' had these good words written down 'cause I just can't think under pressure," (or most other times either). So, I then started making a word list for, (doh) me. 
I bet your saying to yourself, "Why go through the bother, just stop playing the game, you SILLY NILLY," (yep, that's right, your saying silly nilly). 

Well, Here's the truth, I can't stop PLAYING. As a matter of fact, I've made it my personal mission to make it to FACE OFF and to become the VICTOR! I will play acrophobia until my eyes bug out and my fingertips bleed, every night until I win a game. 
Well, now your thinkin' to yourself, "Hey I'd like to try that doggone list," (yep doggone). 

So here's the Acro Word List, but to tell you the truth, it only helps a bit, but you can go ahead and give it a try. 

My next endeavor will be a Categorically Correct Acro Word List, which I'm painstakingly trying to complete for my (doh) mission but of course, I'll share it with all of you Folks, (uh huh, I called you folks). 
I'm sure you will all want to be able to Congratulate me when, (and if ) I ever do make it to Face Off. So I'm going to Post my winning day at the very top of this  page. I'll try my hardest to remember the Acros I used and some of the Acrophobes in that game. (I'm sure your gonna want to hear all the details, right?) 

I'll also then and only then tell you my Acrophobia Name. I'm not gonna tell you my name till then 'cause I don't want no pity votes, (at least not just yet). Also I am way to humiliated and embarrassed of my obsession, but I always keep a promise and if I win, I'll reveal my name so you can all have some fun at my expense. 

So remember to keep checking back for the new Lists and maybe, upon entering this site you may see your name up along mine, since you were there when I became ACRO CHAMPION for a full 30 seconds.  


Anonymous Acrophobe 

The Sacred Word List
The Sacred Category Word List
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