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St. Thomas Blog
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Lenten Services

You are cordially invited to join us for worship every Wednesday during Lent.  Our services begin at 7:00 p.m.


Our Maundy Thursday service will be held on Thursday, April 5, at 7:00 p.m.  We will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion.


Good Friday services will also begin at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, April 6.


The Luther League will lead our Easter Sunrise Service on April 8, beginning at 6:30 a.m.  Our Easter festival service begins at 9:00 a.m.  Communion will be served at both Easter services.


Posted by pa/StThomasChurch at 4:48 PM EST
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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Good evening dear brothers and sisters in Christ.  Today was a day full of mixed emotions and experiences.  Many of us agree that what has gone on here in NOLA is too big for words.  It's been powerful, challenging, uplifting, convicting, energizing and so much more.  Our thoughts are stirring and are hearts are full.

This morning we gathered one last time at the Superdome for Sunday worship with Holy Communion.  ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hansen was our preacher.  The call he presented in the name of our Lord was a powerful call to go forth and continue to live as baptized children of God, serving and living compassionate justice.  He encouraged us to remember what went on here and that the power of God within each one of us can change the world -- especially when we bring it together with the power of God in each other.  

And have you ever shared in God's Holy Meal with 38,000 other Christians at the same time?  Amazing.  Words just cannot least not quite yet.  But we're working on bringing our witness back to you all.  We'll dedicate a Sunday worship real soon.  

This afternoon was the city tour of NOLA.  LOTS (and I do mean LOTS) of history and story shared by our tour driver.  We covered the garden district, the French Quarter, the Esplanade, the City Park, the St. Louis cemetery #3, and the 9th ward and canal break.  We drove through a part of Musicians Village to see the work of Habitat for Humanity -- we were only a block or two away from the house we worked on (which we would have loved to see how far the remaining two days work got).  

Dinner at the "House of Blues" was really good -- though poor Alyssa just can't seem to get any good chicken here in NOLA.  Hunter and Kevin, on the other hand, seem to find the right chicken dishes to order.  The etouffe and the barbecue ribs were a hit, too.

Right now we're packing and cleaning the condo.  It'll be an early morning...but that isn't really new for us in this mission work we've been about.  We'll fly into BWI tomorrow and then drive home to St. Thomas.  We'll call parents when we land at BWI.

Thanks again for all your love, support and prayers.  Thanks for your generous offerings that sent us here to serve.  We have been honored to serve this community and have been touched as much by the people as we came to touch them.  Maybe even more.  

Peace to all - Pastor Krista, Rick, Kevin, Alyssa, Elliott and Hunter



Posted by pa/StThomasChurch at 10:38 PM EDT
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Good evening -- well, I should say good night.  It's late here in Nawlins.  Today was another full day of activity.  You've probably already noticed that we missed blogging yesterday (Friday).  That's because it was just so full that by the time we got home...well, beds were really where we all not just wanted but NEEDED to be. 

Friday was our day to spend on "Krewes Blvd."  That's the "Learning Center" for the national youth gathering.  A "krewe" is a local group or organization whose membership participates in the Mardi Gras (or Carnivale) season by sponsoring parades, masked balls, and other parties and events.  Each congregation was considered a "krewe" as we went through workshops and hands on learning experiences.  I think what got us all was the movie they showed about the levees breaking and the aftermath of the storm.  We heard personal stories and faced the injustices that people went through...and have come to realize that many still are facing the same injustices today.  We, here, have been challenged and encouraged to listen for God's call on our lives - the call to live compassionate justice in the name of Jesus Christ.  Be prepared to be called to the same by those returning from this experience.

We walked a bit of the French Quarter yesterday afternoon but tried to head over early to the Superdome and get seats on the floor for the mass gathering.  It was just a tad crowded (that's sarcasm - cause it was WAY crowded) as a lot of the other groups were looking forward to hearing the band "Skillet" play.  After the experience of standing in the sun in the tight crowd, we decided not to try it again today.  But again, we heard great speakers who told powerful stories of how God has been at work in their lives for the sake of bringing justice to the world.  I wish all of you could just hear them for yourselves.  Sometimes I think there are good enough words to really capture it all for you.

After mass gathering was the dance at one of the local hotels.  Apparently, Elliott can truly cut a mean rug -- well, jump really good anyway!  He's received a few new names while he's been here.  Just ask him about Uncle Rico (but if you call him Poptart he might just get mad!)  Elliott turned 17 while we were here and Kevin was 18 just a few days before coming.  We've sung them happy birthday many times and even had the convention center singing to both of them this morning.  Elliott doesn't like the attention much, but he did get a real nice hug from a girl in one of the other youth groups.  But maybe you shouldn't tell him I told you that!

Today was our time in the "Interaction Center."  We learned more about issues of wealth and poverty and were challenged to be the ones who could make a change in the world.  We did a number of hands-on learning things today, too.  Flew around like a flock of eagles going through a migration pattern -- so we might learn about how birds are being affected by our choices towards the environment.  We toured a FEMA trailer (I don't know how folks lived in those for up to three years!) and learned more about Thrivent Builds and Habitat for Humanity.  We walked more of the French Quarter this afternoon to shop for souvenirs (I know what many of you are getting when your kids come home -- I think you'll like it!) and then back to the Superdome for our final mass gathering.  More powerful testimonies, great music (zydeco accordian mastered by an 8 year old boy!), and an amazing "candlelighting" ceremony with the passing of the light row by row with everyone's cell phones being the light.  Amazing to watch the wave grow until the Superdome was FILLED with twinkling lights from floor to ceiling.

We're all pretty tired, but our hearts have been touched so deeply in so many ways.  It's been an AMAZING experience that we look forward to sharing with you in worship some coming Sunday.  We close the gathering in the morning with worship.  Bishop Hansen will preach and there will be Holy Communion shared among almost 38,000 people.  Now THAT's feeding the body of Christ!  We'll head off tomorrow afternoon for a 3 hour tour (don't worry -- it's on a bus not a ship!) of the city, and then it's time to pack up for an early morning on Monday for traveling home to all of you.

We'll try to post one more time tomorrow.  But we'll certainly be in touch when we get back into Baltimore on Monday and before we hit the road home to PA.  Please continue to pray and thanks for all you already done to support our being here.  We have truly been blessed to do "God's Work. Our hands."  

See you day after tomorrow!!!

Love to all - Pastor Krista, Rick, Kevin, Alyssa, Elliott, and Hunter


Posted by pa/StThomasChurch at 1:13 AM EDT
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
JESUS, JUSTICE, JAZZ - Thursday Servant Life

Peace be with y'll from the Big Easy of Nawlins!!!  It's been a great adventure so far for us all.  Thanks for all your prayers, support and your help in sending us here to serve.

Today was an amazing day.  Up early (5:30am) in order to be at our Servant Life launch site by 6:30am.  75-100 buses launching from the Convention Center, the Superdome and the French Quarter, carrying close to 12,000 Lutheran teens and adults to their servant life projects around the city and parish.  There were groups helping with children's literacy, groups helping with affordable housing, groups helping to clean up parks, and so much more.  We were off to work with Habitat for Humanity New Orleans.  We spent about 6 hours working in the heat and humidity of the south, but all drank lots of water and took breaks in the shade.  We worked side by side with Lisa and Martha from a youth group from Florida, and with Vita from Canada and Laura from Indiana (they were with a separate mission group on site).  We put up fiberboard siding along the side of one of the homes.  Lots of measuring, cutting, holding, nailing, chalking, climbing ladders.  Siding now is fiberboard vs. aluminum or vinyl.  When the winds of Katrina and Rita came through, they threw debris at the siding of houses.  It would puncture holes in the siding and then the wind would rip it completely off as it went through the holes.  Debris hitting fiberboard will dent the siding but not put a hole in it, thus the siding will not get pulled off.  They also now build the floor of the house up at least 4 feet off the ground.  The technique for the foundation of that is amazing -- but you'll have to ask Elliott to tell you more about that.  He's got it down.  And Alyssa's got the handle on how to measure and pattern out the siding. Kevin and Hunter were quick on the ladders, helping especially get the higher siding going.  All worked really hard and really well together.  Looking out for each other but especially working to make a good home for this new Habitat owner.

The mass gathering was again inspirational.  But we were all pretty tired and came back to the hotel for an early night vs. heading to community life events.  They're determined to go to the fun club one night and try the inflatable games.  But they wanted to call it a night and get some sleep.

But we thought we'd share some of the funny things,, some quotes of the day:

  • "If Rick's good for nothing else, he's a good pinger." (you'll just have to ask Rick!)
  • Elliott to Alyssa after discussing whether she really knew good chicken or not (and with that Elliott smile on his face) -- "Alyssa, you're a you, Alyssa!"
  • "That's just wrong!" Kevin, upon watching the man walk down the street with a big doll on his shoulders...minus the arms

 More tomorrow!! 

Love --- Pastor Krista, Rick, Kevin, Alyssa, Elliott, Hunter

Posted by pa/StThomasChurch at 11:25 PM EDT
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009
JESUS, JUSTICE, JAZZ - Wednesday Worship
Mood:  energetic

Hello to all our parish family out there.  Today was a great day here in Nawlins.  We started with an airboat tour of the swamp.  Saw many alligators --- our tour guide even brought them close by feeding them with marshmallows!  At one place in the marsh area, we got to hold a baby alligator.  Each of us took a chance -- after very specific instructions about taking it by the tail first and then from underneath at the neck.  We learned lots about the local culture and wildlife.  Even learned (the hardway) not to actually use bug spray before going into the swamp during the day.  It attracts the bees and there are no mosquitoes (only at night).  I learned a new dance trying to keep the bees away at the dock.  The kids got a good laugh!!

Following our tour, it was off to the convention center to check in and officially get things under way for Jesus, Justice, Jazz.  We ate at a local joint, "Mothers" which has been featured on the Travel Channel.  Then off to the Superdome for the first mass gathering with about 36,000 other Lutheran youth and adults.  We heard some amazing witnesses of faith...the woman who founded an organization to help rebuild homes.  They've rebuilt 220 but there are still 18,000 families who are still living in FEMA trailers or other temporary housing.  Then the young men who founded "Free the Children."  They taught the word "Minga" -- which they learned on one of their global mission projects building a new school.  When the town's mayor learned that the school would go unfinished until the next group could make it back up the mountain roads, she issued the call of the "minga" -- the call for all people of the community to gather for doing the work of the common good.  She tried to find out what our English word for that is -- but we don't really have one.  We, here, think we should.  The "minga" is sent out and all people drop what they are doing...tending the fields, cooking the meal, teaching the class.  They strap the children on their shoulders and they all come to pull together and work for the common good.  They all sacrifice for the sake of the communal good.  If that's not Christ's call to the cost of discipleship, I don't know what is.  Imagine if all Christians truly practiced "minga."  Amazing things would get done.

Tomorrow we're off to work with Habitat for Humanity New Orleans.  It's an early day.  Pray for us and for the people here.  And thanks always for your support, prayers, giving and love that help us to be here in the name of Christ.

Peace --- Pastor Krista, Rick, Kevin, Alyssa, Elliott, Hunter

Posted by pa/StThomasChurch at 11:08 PM EDT
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JESUS, JUSTICE, JAZZ - Tuesday Travel
Mood:  chillin'

Well, it seems we timed everything just right for travel today.  Left St. Thomas exactly at 8am and arrived without incident (traffic or otherwise) at BWI airport exactly at 11am.  By the time we found a parking space, traveled the shuttle to the terminal, checked our bags and got through security it was about 12:30pm.  Left us enough time to eat some lunch and board the plane in the first group.  Turns out that 99% of the flight were groups coming to NOLA for the gathering!  We flew with the group from St. David's in Davidsville and the group from Grace, State College.  There was also a group from Morgantown, WV and a group from Manassas, VA.  Among other youth groups.  The flight attendants were awesome with us all -- and they gave out not only peanuts but wing pins!!  I haven't seen an airline pass out wing pins in years!

The flight itself was a little bumpy -- but the flight attendants never had to sit and they were pretty calm.  So we all stayed pretty calm, too.  Arrived in Nawlins (that's how the locals pronounce it) and caught our shuttle to the hotel.  That's when fatigue and traffic set in.  It was pretty interesting to watch the charter bus navigate the narrow city streets in rush hour traffic.  

Got to the hotel around 6pm local time and quickly headed out for dinner.  Road the St. Charles Street car (the overhead electric streetcar) to "The Cheesecake Bistro."  A big thank you to whoever told Alyssa we should check the place out.  Food was really good and the cheesecake even better!!  Wish the streetcar was as good on the way home.  We couldn't even catch one...because one never came in our direction!  We finally walked the one and a half miles back to the hotel, breakfast groceries in hand.  Walgreens, 24 hrs.

We're soon calling it a night.  Getting up in the morning to take an airboat tour of the swamp and then head to the convention center to check in.  Tomorrow night is the first mass gathering.  We'll keep ya posted!!  Hope the rain back home is helping the fields and know we love you all.

Peace -- Pastor Krista, Rick, Kevin, Alyssa, Elliott and Hunter


Posted by pa/StThomasChurch at 12:08 AM EDT
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Friday, July 17, 2009
Mood:  quizzical

Hello fellow missionaries to Jesus, Justice, Jazz NOLA!!!  We talked about creating a covenant with one another in order to help us have the best experience of living and serving together 24/7 for 6 days.  Remember - a covenant is a spiritual bond, a promise, contract, agreement we make with one another.  It includes both the "terms" we agree to live by and the "terms" under which we handle things if the covenant is broken.  It is something we all have to contribute to and then agree to.  I'm opening the conversation here and ask you to post your responses by Sunday night.  I'll then print them off and organize them for discussion in the car on the way to the airport Tuesday.

Name at least one action/behavior to complete the following sentences:

  1. We agree to respect each other by...
  2. We agree to be honest with each other by...
  3. We agree to handle disagreement or conflict by...
  4. We agree to serve each other by...
  5. We agree to devote this time to our Lord by...
  6. We agree to encourage each other by...
  7. If any part of the covenant (ours or the ELCA) is broken, we agree the following action should be taken...

Can you each agree that for the sake of safety and possible conflict resolution, Rick and myself as the adult leaders will have the final authority of decision and you will respect and live with those decisions?  For our parts, we would agree to listen to each of you and not belittle or abuse your thoughts or feelings?  Too, can we all agree that confidences shared remain confidential to the group (even when we return to our families) unless otherwise noted that it is ok to share with others OR the belief is that someone is at risk of being hurt?

See you Sunday!!!

Pastor Krista


Posted by pa/StThomasChurch at 10:57 AM EDT
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Son Rock Kids Camp

Bring your kids to "Son Rock Kids Camp",

Where Kids Build Their Lives on the Rock: Jesus

It is taking place at the St. Thomas Grove each evening this week.  Check out what they've been doing on the Vacation Bible School Page of the church's new and improved website!  We will try to post new information at the close of each session. 

Please feel free to post your bible school stories here. 


Posted by jvatavuk at 2:53 PM EDT
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Thursday, July 9, 2009
St . Thomas Members & Friends...Please Join Us!

To post to this blog, you need to go to the registration page and create an account.  Email your user name to me at: and I will send you an invitation to join the blog.

We look forward to having you as a part of our online community!

Posted by jvatavuk at 9:17 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, July 11, 2009 3:57 PM EDT
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Jesus, Justice, Jazz -- Wealth & Poverty Discussion

We have received our Servant Life project assignment.  We are working with Habitat for Humanity on an "affordable housing" site.  Habitat for Humanity is a Christian organization that seeks to partner with the needs of a community in order to provide "a hand up, not a hand out."  People who apply for and receive a HFH home are given a 20 year, interest free mortgage.  They are folks who live within a particular income level.  They are required to put in 500 hours of sweat equity - meaning they must put in so many hours helping with the actual build of their own home AS WELL AS so many hours helping to build for others receiving HFH homes.

Again, this has been labeled an "affordable housing" project.  But just what does that mean?  According to reports from the ELCA, "Affordable housing is a term used to describe dwelling units whose total housing costs are deemed 'affordable' to those that have a median income.  In the US a commonly accepted guideline for housing affordability is a housing cost that does not exceed 30% of a household's gross income.  Another way of looking at this is to see the average monthly income for a person and ask the question, 'Is there a safe place for them to live if they make -x amount - per month?'"

In New Orleans, post-Katrina, the trend has been to build or rent homes that low-income families cannot afford.  As a matter of fact,  housing costs have skyrocketed since Katrina leaving few options for lower income families.

Read Matthew 25:37-40, "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when was it we saw you hungry and gave you food, and thirsty and gave you something to drink?  And when was it we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?' And the King will answer them, 'Truly I tell you just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.'"

  1. Who is it we serve when we serve our neighbors?
  2. Who are those neighbors we are called to serve in this passage?
  3. How can we keep ourselves open to the needs of others when we live with our own needs every day?
  4. How can this apply to life every day here in central PA and not just during our time in NOLA?

Consider also these questions put forth by the ELCA:

  1. What is the average cost of homes in our towns? (you can find this on-line or by checking with a local realtor)
  2. What is the average income of people who live in our towns? (you can find this info by going to the US Census bureau website and putting in your local zipcode)
  3. Where do people live if they don't have enough income to purchase a home or pay rent?

What do you think?  Join the conversation.

Peace - Pastor Krista

Posted by pa/StThomasChurch at 1:08 PM EDT
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