Spirit Mystery's Spiritual Palace

Working With Dreams

Working with dreams, as a form of predicting futures or fortune-telling is not new to our century. The ability to use them as tool for personal growth is amazing. It is the one true time that most of us get a first look into the world of metaphysics. Beta waves that emit from us during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep are the same as those emitting from a psychic in a channel. When a human reaches the age of puberty they undergo a change physically that also translates into changes metaphysically for them. Most children operate their brains with 20 or less electromagnetic pulses per minute, and this is also what happens to the brain when a psychic goes into meditation. Most human adults operate at 25 or greater electromagnetic pulses per minute and miss most of the stuff they are picking up on subconsciously.

So when we sleep we slow things down enough to register in the conscious thoughts as dreams. Some are only reactions to having too much pepperoni before bed and can easily be explained. But then there are those dreams that come true and of course the Dejavu ones as well. Messages from spiritside, and Astral Travel. When we are accessing our subconscious at night we are actually busier and more actively involved with our spiritual development than in our waking state. This is typically the only time our higher self (Spirit Guide) has a chance to say anything without any interruptions.

When I was in highschool I was experiencing Dejavu at least a half dozen times a day. I stumbled upon the correlation of dreams and Dejavu quite by accident, (if you believe that accident, I have a bridge to sell you) and went to work proving my theory. I started a project that tested the accuracy of remembering dreams when I woke up, and tried to correlate these dreams to situations or encounters in my life.

Keep in mind that we are all being 'brainwashed' every second of the day we are aware of our surroundings. TV, radio, conversations, newspaper articles, Internet discussion groups, energy fluctuations, aroma, sights, sounds, colors vibrations, etc…. What I have found is that if you control what you put into your brainwashing, you control your attitude, health, reactions, stress levels, physical reactions, intelligence, personal growth, energy levels, metaphysical reactions, and everything about who and what you are. I hope this is making sense!

So when we brainwash ourselves to remember our dreams and actually ask to work with them, then our whole person will go about bringing the request into reality. Brainwash the noodle to work with your dreams by utilizing the most basic of daily affirmations. Here's what I use.

"Hey brain, I know that we are having dreams to deal with the issues in our life, so why don't we remember them in the morning and allow them to be about situations that are current. I also would like to understand the symbology of these dreams as well. "

It only took about a week before the Dejavu dreams became Precognition. I was waking up with dream recall, and they were typically having something to do with the issue I went to sleep with. Brings about the old saying ' I'll sleep on it ' with a new twist, or is it an old twist rediscovered? Hmmm.

So try this little affirmation for yourself for a week and get back to me. I'm sure you will find some dramatic results while working with your own dreams.