Spirit Mystery's Spiritual Palace

Aura's & Chakras

All of us are a combination of four bodies: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Our bodies are also made up of seven aura layers, and seven major chakras. The aura may be described as an energy field. There are seven layers to this aura field: note the term "levels" would be more appropriate than "layers", because if you think of it all as layers, you get the impression that where one layer ends, another begins - much like an onion, of which we are not!! Each level is intermerged with the one before and the one after, including and extending away from the physical body. Each consecutive level extends farther and is also of a higher vibration that the one before. These seven fields of energy (or aura levels), are included in your four bodies. Your physical body is comprised of one aura level, as is you emotional body. Your mental body contains two aura levels, and your spiritual body includes three levels.

Each of the seven levels of you aura also correspond to one of the seven chakra centres. The word "chakra" is sangkrit for "wheel". They are commonly described as spirals, with the top of the spiral centering within the physical body and the vortexes extending outward (back and front). They extend throughout all seven of the aura levels and four bodies.

There are seven MAJOR chakra's in the human body. Each chakra corresponds to the seven colours of the rainbow. Chakra's are the way we assimilate various forms of energy into our systems. These energy centres recieve and process information that has been absorbed by the various aura layers. Chakra's may be open, closed, or at any stage in between; depending on the current state of consiousness of the individual. We interpret the energy that is processed by the Chakra's through our five senses as well as our thoughts, emotions and intuitions.

The five senses and their associated Element:

FIRE - sight
WATER - taste
EARTH - smell
AIR - touch
SPIRIT - hear

The Four Bodies...Part 1
The Physical and Emotional Bodies....

1st Aura Level - Etheric Double
1st Chakra - Root Chakra

First Aura Level - This is the portion that you identify as your physical body, as well as its psychic counterpart - known as the physical aura body, or etheric double. "Ether", "Etha", "Akasha", is the state between energy and physical matter. During astral projection, the aura level of the etheric double and the physical body is connected by a silver cord. This silver cord stretches to an infinite distance and is only severed when the physical body makes its transition to spirit (death). The etheric double appears as light blue to grey energy, extending one quarter to two inches away from the physical body. It is a pulsating layer of constantly moving, web like energy which connects your physical dense body to the emotional plane. If your etheric body is strong, you will reflect this by your physical love of life. You may be athletic or full of physical energy. You will enjoy eating, sleeping and physical contact with others, including sex. You may be strong of will and ambitious.

First Chakra Level - This first chakra corresponds to the aura level of the etheric double. It is also referred to as the Root Chakra. It is located at the base of the spine and the colour associated with it is red. This is your physical survival centre as well as where you access your physical energy and strength. Basic 'fight or flight' instincts are centred here. Your will to live and stay grounded to the Earth is important to this energy centre. Those people with strong physical presences have this energy centre functioning thoroughly. This chakra (as well as the 1st Aura Level) has the lowest frequency of vibration in the complete body structure. It is connected to EARTH energies and is your physical link to the world of matter and manifesting your needs.

2nd Aura Level - Emotional
2nd Chakra - Womb/Belly/Genitals Chakra

Second Aura Level - Your emotional body/second aura level expands anywhere from one to three inches from your physical body. All of your emotions are centred here. Your feelings, hopes, fears and desires arise from this level. The second aura level connects your body (1st level) to your mind (3rd level) through your emotions. This is the level which is the easiest for most people to sense with their second sight and may appear in a rainbow of colours as a person's emotional state changes. If your emotional body is healthy, you will enjoy all the pleasures of life. You are accepting of yourself and your body's needs. You have a positive sense of self and allow your emotions to flow freely, be they positive or negative.

Second Chakra - The 2nd chakra corresponds to the 2nd aura level of the emotional body. It is located in the lower abdomen (about 2 inches below the navel) and it's colour is orange. This is where your sexual needs are located as well as your subconcious desires and emotions. Your first impressions, intuitions and imaginative visions are processed here. This chakra is connected to Moon Energies in that its location is directly in line with the Goddess centre of the womb as well as being linked to the Element of Water.

The Four Bodies Part 2

3rd & 4th Aura Levels - Lower & Higher Mental
3rd & 4th Chakras - Solar Plexus & Heart

Your mental body is made up of two aura levels - the Lower and Higher Mental levels, as well as the 3rd and 4th chakra centres.

Third Aura Level - This is the Lower Mental Body which is your conscious, intellectual and rational mind. Your thought forms exist within this yellow energy field which extends 3-8 inches from your physical body. When this body is fit, you experience strong mental clarity.

Third Chakra - The corresponding chakra to the 3rd aura level is the 3rd chakra, located at your solar plexus (just above the navel). This chakra is yellow. This is the position of clear thinking and mental activities. The solar plexus chakra is also where you filter the psychic impressions you recieve every day. It is a dynamic, powerful active energy centre which corresponds to the Element of Fire and the Planet Mars. Even though it is a primarily mental centre, it interacts directly with the 2nd chakra in intellectually processing your emotions, in a healthy, rational manner.

Fourth Aura Level - This is the higher mental body which contains your abstract, intuitive thoughts. These thoughts arise from your Higher Self/Goddess within. It expands 1/2 - 2 feet away from your physical body. This 4th aura level is where you ahve those feelings about relationships you have with others. This includes relationships with other people, animals, plants, Mother Earth as well as the entire Universe. If this level is clear, you will have healthy loving relationships with all beings.

Fourth Chakra - This chakra is located in the centre of your chest and is often called the love or Heart chakra. It is commonly described as green, although many attribute the colour of rose or pink to this centre. This is your empathic heart centre which processes the feelings you have for others. This middle chakra also provides a bridge between the lower three and upper three chakra centres; a connection between physical and spiritual centres. It corresponds to the Element of Air and the Planet Venus. When you mental body is balanced and healthy, your rational conscious mind works in harmony with your intuitive, super-conscious mind. The emotional body and the mental body work together closely, as our thoughts and emotions are strongly connected to one another. The way you think about your emotions, as well as the feelings you have as a result of your thoughts are very closely intertwined. In manifestation, thoughts rely on emotion to produce effects on the material plane. The mental body vibrates at a faster rate than the emotional body, which in turn vibrates at a faster rate than the etheric double. This mental body is more difficult to see than the 2 previous for this reason.

The Four Bodies... Part Three


5th, 6th and 7th Aural Levels - Lower, middle and higher Spiritual
5th, 6th and 7th Chakras - Throat, Brow and Crown Chakras

Fifth Aura Level - Communication is the most important component in this level - both inner and outer, sendign and recieving information. The sense of inner-hearing (clair-audience) originates here. Sound is very important on this level. Creative impulses, including the creative manner in which you express yourself to others, is centred in this level. It reaches 1-2 feet away from your physical body. When this level is unobstructed, you will communicate yourself clearly to others, and clearly percieve others messages as well. Clear communication of thought (mental body) is another key for its manifestation on the physical plane.

Fifth Chakra - This chakra is your message centre for processing all modes of communication. It is located at your throat and has the colour of blue. Telepathic messages are also recieved at this centre. It corresponds to the Element of Spirit and the Planet Mercury.

Sixth Aura Level - Sight is important to this level - both inner and outer vision. From this level comes our ability to truly percieve all planes of existance. Visualisation, or creative imaging, occurs here. The skills of divination and clairvoyance also arises from this middle spiritual body. It extends approx. 1.5 - 2.5 feet away from your physical body. When this level is healthy and positively charged, you enjoy the state of spiritual harmony within yourself and those around you.

Sixth Chakra - This chakra is located at the middle of your forehead or brow. It is associated with the 3rd eye centre. This is where you process psychic phenomena such as clairvoyance (inner sight) and precognition. This chakra synthesises the infomation we percieve from all three of our 'eyes' and translates that into knowing. It's colour is indigo (or violet) and corresponds to the Planet Jupiter.

Seventh Aural Level - This level vibrates at the highest rate of all the levels. it is also the hardest level to describe because it transcends all the physical senses, psychic skills, thoughts and emotions. It is your connection to Divinity, the Source of all Life. It is the place of pure Being, Union with the Goddess within. It extends 2.5-3 feet away from your physical body. When this level is fully functioning, you recognise yourself as a Spiritual Being, and are at peaceful oneness with the Goddess/God/All That Is; and understand how you fit into the overall web of the Universe.

Seventh Chakra - This chakra is located at the crown of the head and its colour is violet (or white). Spiritual wisdom of the highest form is processed here. When this ('enlightenment'?) chakra is fully open and in full harmony with all the other chakras, this is when tru enlightenment springs forth. It has been referred to as the seat of the soul, and corresponds with the Planet Uranus.


Aura - Dense Body and Etheric Double
Attributes - Will to live/ survival
#1 Chakra - Root
Skill - Survival
Physical Sense - Smell
Colour - Red
Musical Note - C
Planet - Earth
Element - Earth

Aura Layer - Emotional
Attribute - Feeling/Desire
#2 Chakra - Womb/belly
Skill - Clairsentience
Physical Sense - Taste
Colour - Orange
Musical Note - D
Planet - Moon
Element - Water

Aura Layer - Lower Mental
Attribute - Intellect/conscious
#3 Chakra - Solar Plexus
Skill - Rational thought
Colour - Yellow
Musical Note - E
Planet - Mars
Element - Fire

Aura Layer - Higher Mental
Attribute - Love/Compassion
#4 Chakra - Heart
Skill - Intuition/Abstract
Physical Sense - Touch
Colour - Green (or pink)
Musical Note - F
Planet - Venus
Element - Air

Aura Layer - Lower Spiritual
Attribute - Communication
#5 Chakra - Throat
Skill - Clairaudience
Physical sense - Hearing
Colour - Blue
Musical Note - G
Planet - Mercury
Element - Spirit

Aura Layer - Middle Spiritual
Attribute - Perception
#6 Chakra - Brow (3rd eye)
Skill - Clairvoyance/Divination
Physical sense - All Senses
Colour - Violet or Indigo
Musical Note - A
Planet - Jupiter

Aura Layer - Higher Spiritual
Attribute - Oneness/Universe
#7 Chakra - Crown
Skill - Pure knowing/being
Physical Sense - Trancends the Senses
Colour - White (or violet)
Musical Note - B
Planet - Uranus